last chance for beautiful hound mix dog


Loving My Life...
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this is daisy's last chance.she is an energetic and loving dog.about 10 months old. tall and thin body with shepherd coloring.she is house trained.was malnourished when we took her from former owners.she is just too big for our house especially as we are planning on adding to our family.if she does not find a family soon she will be going to the humane society in hopes that they can find her a home.she has an outside metal dog pin that new family can have. don't think she has had shots or anything


Help "Invisible Dogs"
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this is daisy's last chance.she is an energetic and loving dog.about 10 months old. tall and thin body with shepherd coloring.she is house trained.was malnourished when we took her from former owners.she is just too big for our house especially as we are planning on adding to our family.if she does not find a family soon she will be going to the humane society in hopes that they can find her a home.she has an outside metal dog pin that new family can have. don't think she has had shots or anything

You took her in from people that weren't treating her well? You got her "healthy" but you never got her any shots and now you are going to "dump" her at the Humane Society?

I hope you realize that the Charles County Humane Society takes a van full of healthy dogs and cats to the TriCounty Animal Shelter THREE times a week (so the SHELTER can euthanize them and the Humane Society gets to keep thier "no kill" policy).

You should at least post her picture, a picture speaks a thousand words especially for an animal that has no voice or say in how it's treated or disposed of.

A picture might be just the encouragement someone needs to give this dog the chance it deserves in life.


Help "Invisible Dogs"
They need to post a picture - that's what gets most dogs adopted, and everyone that takes a dog to the Humane Society of Charles County needs to be aware that they are not necessarily keeping that dog alive long enough to find it a home.

The Humane Society can take the dog or cat as soon as you leave it (if they desire and don't care for that particular dog/breed) and drive it to the shelter, where they CAN and often times DO euthanize it within the hour.

~~Sunflower if you were just posting it here to bring attention to it, I apologize for jumping like that~~ that person will probably never even know this thread exists...
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