Last request


New Member
I dont know really where to post this thread but here it goes:

My longtime boyfriend's dad is dying and it is coming soon. Do you think it would be a good idea for me to secretly have him video tape special messages for him and his sister? I would need ideas to give him. Or does anyone have any other ideas? Any input would be great. Thank you!


lost in the numbers
YES! Absolutely, yes. Especially if he is willing and able. Telling old family stories, jokes, anything to have the voice, the laugh, those are the things we miss so very much after they are gone.


I dont know really where to post this thread but here it goes:

My longtime boyfriend's dad is dying and it is coming soon. Do you think it would be a good idea for me to secretly have him video tape special messages for him and his sister? I would need ideas to give him. Or does anyone have any other ideas? Any input would be great. Thank you!

That would be an awesome gift!


New Member
Thats a good idea. Another idea: My dad did most of the cooking and that is one HUGE thing I miss. If he likes to cook have him write recipes down of things he cooks that are not in a normal cook book. I wish I would have had my dad do that.


Well-Known Member
I dont know really where to post this thread but here it goes:

My longtime boyfriend's dad is dying and it is coming soon. Do you think it would be a good idea for me to secretly have him video tape special messages for him and his sister? I would need ideas to give him. Or does anyone have any other ideas? Any input would be great. Thank you!

If he's able, also have him write a letter or dictate one to you. It's something he could copy and even carry with him in his wallet or car if he so chooses.


New Member
My sister did a report on my grandfather about 7 years ago for a class project. I had -just- gotten a voice recorder and plopped it down while my grandfather was answering all sorts of questions about the war. He passed away and it is the -only- source of his voice we have, and it details a lot more than he ever told us about during WW2.

I think its a great idea, but an incredibly emotional one. Make sure that when you present it to your boyfriend that it is in an appropriate manner. Not that I doubt you would, but ya know...


New Member
When would be the best time to give it to him and his sister? I have no experience in this field as I am sure nor does anyone else. I just want to give them something that would mean alot to them during the hard times ahead and I want them to know I was thinking about them during the process as I know that nothing can bring him back. He is the only thing they have because he raised them. This will also be a hard thing for me to do but I know its something that would be cherished!
Any other ideas would be greatly appreciated!


When would be the best time to give it to him and his sister? I have no experience in this field as I am sure nor does anyone else. I just want to give them something that would mean alot to them during the hard times ahead and I want them to know I was thinking about them during the process as I know that nothing can bring him back. He is the only thing they have because he raised them. This will also be a hard thing for me to do but I know its something that would be cherished!
Any other ideas would be greatly appreciated!

I would say after the funeral when things have settles down. Their minds might be in a better place then.