Laugh of the day


PREMO Member
nitwhit3286 said:
..the squids you talk so poorly about have brought this little bitty place of yours know the starbucks that you love to go to..and the target that you can not live without...I would stop bad mouthing the military as well.
I was a squid at one time.
And my wife at the time was a Nittwhat too.


nitwhit3286 said:
yes...lets post where I used to work...good for you retard. I am not bitter in the all make me bitter...I did get a high school education and I hope to put myself through college when I go home to virginia beach in august. I have aspirations to be something more...cant say that for many people on this damn website....the majority of you have jobs and don't do them because you sit here and bs on this webpage. I have a family which I am very proud of. Proud of my daughter that I have...when I thought I couldn't have any after going through the cancer and treatments that I had. I don't regret doing anything. I am glad I am able to stay home and take care of her without having to work some lame job during the day. A lot of people would love to be where I am at right now. Some people with a lot less. I would think if I was you before more diarrhea comes out of your mouth.

i wasn't talking to you, keep it up and I'll have you banned.


mv_princess said:
You know people wouldn't bash the military if people like you would stop bashing people that live here. It's a pretty 50/50 deal. You bash them, they bash you.

I live here I am not from here but I live here. Is it my choice...God I guess it kind of was. But can I hate it, yes can I voice my opinion about it..yes. If people don't like what I have to say thats too bad. I don't think people really care what I think about what they yeah dear it is 50/50


nomoney said:
i wasn't talking to you, keep it up and I'll have you banned.

didn't we go over this whole thing before?? you weren't talking to me...but yeah I think you were talking to me when you said I worked at joann's so please...if you weren't talking to me then who were you talking to?


mv = margaritaville
nitwhit3286 said:
I live here I am not from here but I live here. Is it my choice...God I guess it kind of was. But can I hate it, yes can I voice my opinion about it..yes. If people don't like what I have to say thats too bad. I don't think people really care what I think about what they yeah dear it is 50/50
Yeah well stop complaining. You could live in some 3rd world country, where saying anything could get you killed! Be glad you live somewhere that has things like Walmart and target.


mv = margaritaville
Laugh of the day 01-10-2007 02:47 PM I have a very large penis

Incase someone needed to know, my karma giver has a large penis


mv_princess said:
Yeah well stop complaining. You could live in some 3rd world country, where saying anything could get you killed! Be glad you live somewhere that has things like Walmart and target.

you are right..all of us take that for granted not just myself...and yeah sometimes the walmart here does look like a 3rd world country..haha


nitwhit3286 said:
didn't we go over this whole thing before?? you weren't talking to me...but yeah I think you were talking to me when you said I worked at joann's so please...if you weren't talking to me then who were you talking to?

I was talking ABOUT you, but not to you - big difference. If you hadn't of gotten knocked up and got you some edumacation you might have realized that :huggy: Thanks for the red cussing me out though. You rock.


nomoney said:
I was talking ABOUT you, but not to you - big difference. If you hadn't of gotten knocked and got you some edumacation you might have realized that :huggy: Thanks for the red cussing me out though. You rock.

thanks I know. :lmao:


Well-Known Member
nitwhit3286 said:
yes...lets post where I used to work...good for you retard. I am not bitter in the all make me bitter...I did get a high school education and I hope to put myself through college when I go home to virginia beach in august. I have aspirations to be something more...cant say that for many people on this damn website....the majority of you have jobs and don't do them because you sit here and bs on this webpage. I have a family which I am very proud of. Proud of my daughter that I have...when I thought I couldn't have any after going through the cancer and treatments that I had. I don't regret doing anything. I am glad I am able to stay home and take care of her without having to work some lame job during the day. A lot of people would love to be where I am at right now. Some people with a lot less. I would think if I was you before more diarrhea comes out of your mouth.

How much attention does your daughter get, in between your 700 posts every day? Just wondering.


nitwhit3286 said:
Yeah you said you would never teach my child because she is supposedly mentally should be ashamed of yourself..and your pathetic life because all you can do is teach and the best thing about it is reading students mature....going to roses....I have never even been there...I am not from here...go back to your cave.

My pathetic life because all I can do is teach. You have got to be kidding me. I have more of an education than you do, I make more money than you do or did at Jo Ann's, and I am no where near as bitter as you are. Teaching is a very rewarding job with many struggles but I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Oh...and I am still waiting for the re-post of those horrible things I said about teaching mentally retarded kids...doubt you find it because you are the one that has diarrhea of the mouth. Go get some fabric and take is to Roses cause you all need to cover up there.


jac said:
My pathetic life because all I can do is teach. You have got to be kidding me. I have more of an education than you do, I make more money than you do or did at Jo Ann's, and I am no where near as bitter as you are. Teaching is a very rewarding job with many struggles but I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Oh...and I am still waiting for the re-post of those horrible things I said about teaching mentally retarded kids...doubt you find it because you are the one that has diarrhea of the mouth. Go get some fabric and take is to Roses cause you all need to cover up there.

why you are a very brave person to assume all of that aren't you? you're education got you know where....because you teach primary school and have to put up with bs from kids. I think that you have gotten it a little twisted. I worked at joann's part time for an extra buck or two so I could spend it on whatever...I promise it was the worst job I have ever had. I do not work at roses nor do I aspire to, I thought we already covered that. I do think you said that my child was mentally retarded. And, that is sick.