

What love is all about
I have no clus where else to put this. I very seldomly use bleach because I am scared of ruining my clothes by bleeding colors. Going through my clothes I am seeing that some are in dire need of being bleached. What is ok and not ok to bleach? Thanks.


What love is all about
Also can anyone tell me what would be the best way of getting rid of poop stains from my son.


Sweet and Innocent
Use bleach on all white clothes unless the label said not to. Use "color-safe bleach" on colors clothes. You can't ruin them. I've been using them both with no problems.

Send me a PM if you want me to help you.


Well-Known Member
All white load: sheets, socks, etc
Bleach is A OK, but make sure you read the bottle so you don't over-do it, either way.

anything else, I just stick with detergent with bleach alternative, and knock on wood, I haven't had any bleeding (and I mix pretty much all of my laundry...forget doing separate loads for lights/darks/etc :lol:)


I bowl overhand
I have no clus where else to put this. I very seldomly use bleach because I am scared of ruining my clothes by bleeding colors. Going through my clothes I am seeing that some are in dire need of being bleached. What is ok and not ok to bleach? Thanks.


Are you on septic or city sewer?


I am so very blessed
I can't use bleach without ruining some article of clothing due to drippage. I can't be trusted to use a bottle of bleach and a measuring cup appropriately. :blushing:


What love is all about
Trust me, it's a compliment.
Ya'll put up with more crap (literally, and figuratively :lol:) than I would ever want to.
My hat goes off to you. :buddies:

My husband had never changed a diaper until our first child. So the first time he changed her diaper was first time. I could not get out of bed and show him so I had to tell him what to do. I forgot to tell him to have the other diaper ready and put it under her when he took the old one off and she peed all over the place. He ended up having to change the blankets in the bassinet thing they have kids in and also her clothes. It was pretty darn funny.


What love is all about
I can't use bleach without ruining some article of clothing due to drippage. I can't be trusted to use a bottle of bleach and a measuring cup appropriately. :blushing:

Yea I dyed my husband long johns pink some how and I dont know how because I know I did not use bleach in the dark clothes. Thankfully they just go under his clothes otherwise I am sure he would have been mad.


Sweet and Innocent
Yea I dyed my husband long johns pink some how and I dont know how because I know I did not use bleach in the dark clothes. Thankfully they just go under his clothes otherwise I am sure he would have been mad.

If any of your clothes get bleed on while it is still wet, re-wash it again by itself and the color will come out. If you dried it, the color will stay in, so re-wash it first before you put it in the dryer.

When you buy new clothes from the store and you don't want to risk it bleeding on your other old or new clothes, use "Shout Color Catcher" fabric sheet in your washing machine. It is in a small box with the laundry soap/bleach/etc. section called "Shout Color Catcher". I'm happy with this product. They takes the colors onto the sheet instead of on your clothes. :yay:


Loving My Life...
Yea I dyed my husband long johns pink some how and I dont know how because I know I did not use bleach in the dark clothes. Thankfully they just go under his clothes otherwise I am sure he would have been mad.

Light grey/gray will turn pink if bleached :lol: I should know