
Larry Gude

Strung Out it time to discuss this one?

In todays Post he says he has no idea what the problem is, why he isn't playing.



My Sweetest Boy
I heard him on the John Thompson show last night. I'm having a hard time thinking that, what, 40-some players...20-some coaches/staff, not to mention management, etc. and NOBODY is saying a word? That doesn't make sense to me. I think LaVar is trying to force the issue by going public. What the issue is, I don't know.


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said: it time to discuss this one?

In todays Post he says he has no idea what the problem is, why he isn't playing.


I think he knows what the problem is, tho I don't..I think he needs to shut up about it. I listened to him yesterday on John Thompson and he seems to be playing the "poor me" role to the hilt. With his athletic ability, I KNOW he could help them. Coaches don't sit down difference-makers for no reason. I am clueless other than the oft reported stuff about LaVar free-lancing so much.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
cattitude said:
I think LaVar is trying to force the issue by going public.
:yeahthat: As immensely talented as LaVar is and he is now healthy, it's very strange they're not using him.


"Typical White Person"
jazz lady said:
:yeahthat: As immensely talented as LaVar is and he is now healthy, it's very strange they're not using him.

Is he really healthy though? I know he says so but, it really does not make any sense he is not playing if he really were healthy.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
AK-74me said:
Is he really healthy though? I know he says so but, it really does not make any sense he is not playing if he really were healthy.
I know he says he's healthy, but I also thought he was cleared by the team doctors to play. Regardless, he's able to play and he's a 3-time Pro Bowler who could make a huge difference in such tight games.

Coach Joe Gibbs said on Monday he hopes Arrington will play more. He said he didn't play against Denver because he did not figure into the game plan against a team that runs deceptive cutback plays and often throws from outside the pocket.

This I don't understand. :confused:


"Typical White Person"
jazz lady said:
I know he says he's healthy, but I also thought he was cleared by the team doctors to play. Regardless, he's able to play and he's a 3-time Pro Bowler who could make a huge difference in such tight games.

This I don't understand. :confused:

Well I can't explain it, I see that Lavar has a hot white girl maybe it is Greg William's daughter and he hasn't come to terms with their relationship yet? Got me?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...all wrong!

#1. LaVarr is not a smart football player compared to his peers. Any number of times he was out of position over his years here and got burned. Making plays out of position, as he also did, does not cut it with Williams nor Gibbs.

#2. Always the money. The conspiracy version is that Snyder is pissed about the $6 mil LaVarr claimed he was promised that was not in the contract he signed. Excuse me but how many of us are gonna sign a contract that is missing something like 30% of it's value? Even for pros, $6 large is not chump change. So, the way they settled it was that LaVarr was given the $6 incentives...that he could easily reach...IF HE IS PLAYING.

I don't think they are NOT playing him just to save the dough. I think they are ALSO adding that they can save money if he doesn't play in addition to his not playing the way Williams want him to, pro bowls or otherwise.

I mean, this team let go Pierce and Smoot who no one complained about performance wise, far from it, and let go Coles who, attitude or not, caught the damn ball.

Add to that Ramsey. No one knocks his ability, just his decision making.

Sorry LaVarr. You ain't a Gibbs guy either.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Lavarr is a one-man gang in a team sport. While a shear physical menace he is undisciplined and does not fit into the team mold. Cooling his heals might help make him wise, but I doubt it.


Well-Known Member
Larry Gude said:
...all wrong!

#1. LaVarr is not a smart football player compared to his peers. Any number of times he was out of position over his years here and got burned. Making plays out of position, as he also did, does not cut it with Williams nor Gibbs.

#2. Always the money. The conspiracy version is that Snyder is pissed about the $6 mil LaVarr claimed he was promised that was not in the contract he signed. Excuse me but how many of us are gonna sign a contract that is missing something like 30% of it's value? Even for pros, $6 large is not chump change. So, the way they settled it was that LaVarr was given the $6 incentives...that he could easily reach...IF HE IS PLAYING.

I don't think they are NOT playing him just to save the dough. I think they are ALSO adding that they can save money if he doesn't play in addition to his not playing the way Williams want him to, pro bowls or otherwise.

I mean, this team let go Pierce and Smoot who no one complained about performance wise, far from it, and let go Coles who, attitude or not, caught the damn ball.

Add to that Ramsey. No one knocks his ability, just his decision making.

Sorry LaVarr. You ain't a Gibbs guy either.

Now that I've done the obligatory bad joke......

Larry, for the most part, I agree(I bet THAT makes you sleep better huh?)
I think it is a combination a little bit of Snyder/Cerrato trying to save the money AND more the fact that he's not a "Gibbsguy". Because I really don't think Gibbs would sit him if it was JUST the money. He'd walk before he let Danny/Vinny TELL him who to play.


Nothing to see here
I don't know...Dexter Manley and Riggins were definitely not Gibbs guys and he rode them all the way to a Superbowl. LaVar made his name in football by relying on his instincts rather than playing in a position specific defense, I tend to think he is having a hard time playing within the way this defense is set up.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

otter said:
I don't know...Dexter Manley and Riggins were definitely not Gibbs guys and he rode them all the way to a Superbowl.

AH! And there's the rub!

Gibbs used to have to work with Beathard. We could make a case, nes pas?, that absent Riggo for sure and Dex maybe, no Superbowl. Now, he makes the calls and as history shows us, the Redskins personel well ran dry after Bobby left.

Conversely, LaVarr, like Smoot and Pierce and Ramsey, were here before Gibbs and roster turnover is no longer strange at all in the NFL.

Now, personally, I am not a LaVarr fan, never have been. I think you take a pick like that and get a solid veteran linebacker you already KNOW fits what you do from somebody else along with, say, a two and a three in the draft.

Even LT was nobody without Hary Carson and Banks and the great D line. Team, TEAM, TEAM!


You're all F'in Mad...
I'm thinking the personnel well is filling up again.

Gibbs isn't putting up with these douche-bags like Smoot - about to be brought up on solicitation/prostitution charges in Minnesota I believe) Coles - a head case with a sore toe, Lavar - an undisciplined all-pro who hangs the bag on his defensive mates to get on Sportscenter.

Had we not had huge bucks tied up by Snyder on Lavar, Pierce would probably still be here. The most memorable highlight of Lavar is him hurdling some (now) used car salesman to sack a quarterback.

What have you done for me lately other than play out of position, then become a statue on the bench, and a victim for the media to write stories about? He's another cancer throwback to bad Snyder decisions. I don't feel sorry for some guy should be professional enough to learn the system. Ship his ass to Al Davis who loves jerks like this.

Meanwhile, Gibbs has a history of developing role players, and that's what he's getting to. Next year, as he works through salary cap issues created during the Spurrier years, we should see more light on personnel.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
He has a history...

Meanwhile, Gibbs has a history of developing role players, and that's what he's getting to. Next year, as he works through salary cap issues created during the Spurrier years, we should see more light on personnel.

...of developing the guys Beathard got him.

We do agree on LaVarr. Raider black would suit him.

Another knock on the guy is he is soft; he's always hurt. I'll never forget a collision he had with Brian Mitchell, all time tough guy. LaVarr was on kick coverage against the Eagles and Mitchel was returning the kick. LaVarr crashed into him, full tilt, huge hit, and knocked Mitchel sideways. Brian pops up and kinda walks over to LaVarr who is face down and not moving. I don't remember how many games #56 missed with a bad shoulder and a mild concussion but I do remember how many plays #31 missed: 0

One thing is for sure; Todays Redskins, like those of years past, do not quit and they are in every game.


You're all F'in Mad...
Larry Gude said:
...of developing the guys Beathard got him.

We do agree on LaVarr. Raider black would suit him.


One thing is for sure; Todays Redskins, like those of years past, do not quit and they are in every game.

Beathard is a great general manager has-been. I would never argue against his post-season reputation. Beathard always had great coaches to work with the players he found - names like Shula, Gibbs. Even Bobby Ross is somewhat legendary here in the Mid-Atlantic. Put him with a douche-bag like Spurrier, and see where he gets you...

In Beathard's "what have you done for me lately" file, Ryan Leaf. Need I say more?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Oh please...

Oz said:
In Beathard's "what have you done for me lately" file, Ryan Leaf. Need I say more?

We can certainly agree that no one, ever, got it right every time. Not Halas. Not Brown. Not Noll. Not Shula, Gibbs, Walsh or anyone.

For every Ryan there is a Peyton. If I had the power and the responsibility I might sit down, see 10 minutes of overhead film of Ramsey along with what play was called and see that he is a clueless, as you say, car saleman to be and that Brunnel was THIS close on almost every play last year to getting it done, making the right decisions.

So, we sit and argue as fans.

To me, as far as Beathard, the three Superbowls were a culmination of A. J.K. Cooke and his get it done or I'll get someone else attitude, B1. Beathard getting so many great players late in the drafts and B2. Gibbs and his superb staff.

Beathard had no Cooke but got Ross and came close in SD. Gibbs and Cooke got one more after Bobby left.

It's a damn, damned hard thing to do, win it all in the NFL.


Set Trippin
They are running a sound bite of Gibbs all over AM 980 from this afternoon saying that he has had more conversation with L.A. than any other player he has coached in 30 years, probably 3 times as much conversation. He also says L.A. knows exactly what he has to do if he wants to get back onto the field....

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Change his uniform...

mainman said:
They are running a sound bite of Gibbs all over AM 980 from this afternoon saying that he has had more conversation with L.A. than any other player he has coached in 30 years, probably 3 times as much conversation. He also says L.A. knows exactly what he has to do if he wants to get back onto the field.... #8?