Le quattro stagioni...

Where would you be if yuo could?

  • I'm a one season person; Hot. I'd be in...

    Votes: 7 25.9%
  • Cold is my season, I'd be in...

    Votes: 3 11.1%
  • Spring is me, I'd be in...

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fall! I love...

    Votes: 4 14.8%
  • 4 seasons, Maryland follows...

    Votes: 4 14.8%
  • 4 seasons, Maryland is it!

    Votes: 9 33.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...I haven't traveled the entire globe and have not spent a great deal of time in any place other than the Mid-Atlantic.

So, this forum is a great place to pose this question:

To me, Maryland with it's four very distinct seasons is the best there is;

The wonderful smell of the air and feel of the first warm days of spring.

The swimming weather of out hot July and August

The days like now, crisp, clear fall, with a bit of a breeze. Intense blue skies.

The silence of a bitter cold january night and the sometimes heavy snows of February followed buy a sunny day.

So, it's the mix, the variety we get here. If you enjoy all four to varying degrees, where else is a great place?
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Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member

Lots of Snow and four distinct seasons too. "Cool", "Chilly", "Cold" and "Keep Moving so you don't stick."

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
I love it here. I've lived in a couple of places just as good, none better, and a whole lot of places that cannot compare.


curiouser and curiouser
My dad lives in Northeastern Tennessee, and they seem to have all four seasons to the extreme. I'm not sure if it's because they live in a valley, or if all of Tennessee is like that...they have scorching hot summers, gorgeous springs and falls, and bitterly cold winters. :yay: I don't enjoy the cold though, so it's not my favorite place between the months of November and February. :lol:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I love that first smell of the season in the air. It's been gloomy and gray, then you wake up one morning and it just smells like spring. Then it's spring for a few months, and one day you wake up and smell the summer. Etc, etc.

My only complaint about Maryland is it doesn't snow enough in the winter. I grew up with snowstorms so big you had to climb out your window to get to school because your doors were blocked with drifts.

So "4 seasons, Maryland follows... Nebraska"


But wait, there's more...

I loved Two-Season Tucson -- hot and hotter. :yay:

When we got the itch for some cold weather/snow, in the winter, you could drive 45 minutes up Mt. Lemmon and play in the white stuff or go skiing.


professional daydreamer
Hot. Palm trees, white sandy beaches, clear blue green water and a salty breeze.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
elaine said:
I don't think I'd like the cactus and critters they have.
My BFF went to my grandma's with me one summer and a scorpion stung her on the foot. One other time, a coyote ate my granny's cat. :bawl:


New Member
I grew up where it snowed feet deep and was always out sledding and skating. I prefer the lesser snow of Md., I also enjoy the distinct smells of the seasons(L.A. just smells brown) and Md. comes in second to moving to N.C.


But wait, there's more...
K_Jo said:
My BFF went to my grandma's with me one summer and a scorpion stung her on the foot. One other time, a coyote ate my granny's cat. :bawl:
I lived in Tucson for 5 years (+/-) and saw 3 tarantula's, 1 scorpion, and several rattlers (we lived by a golf course, so when they watered at night, it drowned 'em out). With the gekko's that lived on/around the house, though, we never saw anything inside that shouldn't have been. :yikes:


New Member
I'm from western Kentucky. The weather there was nice but I can't recall getting a whole lot of snow. When I lived in NE Pennsylvania, we had SO much snow that we'd be shut in for weeks.
I love the hot balmy evenings in Louisiana and the cold misty mornings in the Appalachian mountains.
Maryland seems to have it all but I think it smells different here. I have lived here a long time and have never gotten "that feeling" from the change of seasons like I do elsewhere.
I think I'd like Arizona, some place hot and dry.
We would be hard pressed to find a place where the weather was so similar to this area.. We are kind of sheltered from the major coastal things by the eastern shore and miss out on the heavy winters because the mountains seem to push it further north.


100% Goapele Head!
I have always felt a little jilted. I would love to just be rich enough to go wherever I want to when I want to. For instance, I have never been skiing. Would love to try that in the winter. I have never been to a really nice beach, would love to go in the summer, I have never been to a really nice campsite would love to go in the fall. Have never been to a really nice... wherever it would be nice to visit for a spring extreme feeling :)

Larry Gude

Strung Out
From what I hear...

Railroad said:
Interesting - Spring got no votes so far. Where in the world is it always Spring, anyway?

...San Diego. 75-80 every day and some cool evenings.

Anyone know?


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
elaine said:
Hot. Palm trees, white sandy beaches, clear blue green water and a salty breeze.

If it weren't for the sweat factor, it'd be paradise.
I think I like the June summer rather than the July/August summer for that reason.