Leagues for 3 year olds?



I was wondering if there are any sports that 3 year olds can play? I know its young and the age is normal 4 but its worth a shot.


New Member
I was wondering if there are any sports that 3 year olds can play? I know its young and the age is normal 4 but its worth a shot.

I would think 3 is a little young to be starting them out in sports (even four is to young). I would hate to be the coach for that team. Their attention spans are about zero. Let them play at the park or in your backyard.


Throwing the deuces
I would think 3 is a little young to be starting them out in sports (even four is to young). I would hate to be the coach for that team. Their attention spans are about zero. Let them play at the park or in your backyard.

:yeahthat: I was thinking the same thing. There is no way my 4 yr old would be focused enough to play a sport on a team. My oldest played t-ball with 5 yr olds and most of them were too busy playing in the dirt to pay attention to the game.


New Member
My 4 year old plays tball and hasnt been interested in playing in the dirt yet...only 1 of 10 on her team of 4 yr olds has shown any interest in the dirt vs. the game...but we have an excellent coach and asst coach - they both keep them VERY occupied with the game and learning the sport... 3 is young though - that attention span just isnt there...
i'd say enjoy the backyard or the park for another year before you start your running several nights a week to organized sports... once you start, it's on for the next 15 yrs...


Little ol' Me
I don't want to do that. We have a problem with him hitting and kicking people.

Actually we have one kid in the class that was like that when he joined, he doesn't do it anymore.
Karate is not just fighting it is self disaplin (sp), if the kid is caught or told on for hitting or kicking they lose there belt and have to go back to the one before it. They are taught to never hurt anyone unless it is for self defense and to respect one another. You may actually be really surprised at the outcome if you had him join..


New Member
Having gone through years of tae kwon do and being a black belt, i would not recommend ANYONE with a child under the age of 7 to enroll their child in tae kwon do/karate. the attention span and the mental rentention of the information just is not there before 7-8 yrs old. I have a very close friend - that i tried to advise to wait - that enrolled her child at 5 yrs old... and they are paying dearly at this point in time. everything the child learned at 5 yrs old, has been forgotten... they've moved her up through the belts only to get to the brown belt and "ready" to test for black belt - with no skills and perfection at each level having been gained. i sat and watched one night and was just in awe, that the instructors continued to "pass" her at each level. Maybe the instructor/school i went to was stricter - more of a perfectionist, but my friend has spent thousand plus at this point and the quality of the skill is just lacking. I'd say gold/yellow belt at best. very sad. Now, that being said, some children are more advanced mentally than others, earlier on, and would probably do very well in a structure class such as tae kwon do, but this was a little girl that picked the tape off the dance floor when she was 3 vs. actually trying to do the tumbling the rest of the class was doing when our children were all in dance together. It's an investment once you start... just be sure your child is mentally ready for it. I just remember others in my classes being very frustrated by the small child playing while they were trying to learn..and took a fair whooping when it came time for sparring.

Callie girl

New Member
My 4 year old plays t-ball and loves it and is actually good at it. They have jumpbunch for 3-5 year olds. Not really a sport but fun for the kids and gets them active.


I know, I know!!

I was wondering if there are any sports that 3 year olds can play? I know its young and the age is normal 4 but its worth a shot.

UTF Ultimate Toddler Fighting :boxing:

We can start a group down here, take bets and such, kind of like dog fighting but not as deadly. :yay:


Bookseller Lady
I think Parks and Rec usually has activities you can enroll young'uns in that aren't necessarily organized sports but gets them active, works with motor skills, teach teamwork, etc.


My stepson played football at 4 and it was the funniest thing I have seen. The helmets and pads were to big for them so when they would get to running, they would lean foward and most of the time lose their balance and fall. But he had a blast playing. I helped coach, it was a challange but it was worth it. I am gonna let my daughter play when she is 5. She loves football.


Well-Known Member
St. Mary's County Recreation and Parks offers Jumpbunch, which is a gym class for ages 2-5. My son loves it. Sessions are once a week for 8 weeks.