Leahy and the Iraq War


PREMO Member

1) In the midst of the Iraq War debate, Leahy was one of the few Senators pushing back against the Bush admin race to war and the threats of WMDs. He'd been reading the classified intel that the Bush admin was providing to Congress and had real doubts that it justified war....

2) The Sunday after he read the intel, he was out walking with his wife in his McLean neighborhood when "two fit joggers trailed behind us. They stopped and asked what I thought of the intelligence briefings I'd been getting."...

3) The joggers asked Leahy if the briefers had showed him "File Eight"? Leahy writes, "It was obvious from the look on my face that I had not seen such a file. They suggested I should and that I might find it interesting."....

4) Leahy went back to the intel officers at the Capitol SCIF and requested "File Eight," and it contradicted what the Bush administration was saying publicly about the WMDs....
