Least Religious Countries


Ubi bene ibi patria
Looks like if you want to be religious its better to live in a country where there's high homicide rates.....

"The survey concluded that "high levels of organic atheism are strongly correlated with high levels of societal health, such as low homicide rates, low poverty rates, low infant mortality rates, and low illiteracy rates, as well as high levels of educational attainment, per capita income, and gender equality."

Read the article and reader's comments here.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

nhboy said:
Looks like if you want to be religious its better to live in a country where there's high homicide rates.....

"The survey concluded that "high levels of organic atheism are strongly correlated with high levels of societal health, such as low homicide rates, low poverty rates, low infant mortality rates, and low illiteracy rates, as well as high levels of educational attainment, per capita income, and gender equality."

Read the article and reader's comments here.
:whistle: All of the bottom list Countries had their social structure destroyed and replaced under force of 20th century war.

Even the USA has had our religious and social structure significantly altered by 20th century war. :bigwhoop:

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

Novus Collectus said:
Number one on the list, Sweden, was never at war in the 20th century.
:whistle: That is true,

Sweden was considered as neutral but it was still negatively affected by both the world wars.

In the first world war it was threatened on every side and not powerful enough to fight.

The second world war it also claimed neutrality while Hitler took advantages, link.

So I would still hold that Sweden too had its social and religious structure altered by the force in the 20th century wars.

Novus Collectus

New Member
Ah I see, so you are saying that fear of destruction brings more people of societies to a realization there is no god then.
I guess that expression claiming there are no athiests in foxholes is more often opposite the truth.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

Novus Collectus said:
Ah I see, so you are saying that fear of destruction brings more people of societies to a realization there is no god then.
I guess that expression claiming there are no athiests in foxholes is more often opposite the truth.
:whistle: I do not really say that the wars took many people away from God but I say it took many people away from the orthodox Christianity and away from the traditional religions.

It might well be that the people became closer to the true Creator Father (God) as a result of the wars and other events.

I certainly believe the plan of all world salvation can never be stopped.

The original post was directed at atheism and I find that in some ways that they some times get much closer to the truth or closer to God than organized religions are.

Many Atheist claiming no God come closer to the real God, link HERE.

A two edged sword that cuts both ways.

Novus Collectus

New Member
JPC sr said:
:whistle: I do not really say that the wars took many people away from God but I say it took many people away from the orthodox Christianity and away from the traditional religions.

It might well be that the people became closer to the true Creator Father (God) as a result of the wars and other events.

I certainly believe the plan of all world salvation can never be stopped.
Your statement of
All of the bottom list Countries had their social structure destroyed and replaced under force of 20th century war.
is pointless when taken in context of your last statement since three countries on the list, Vietnam, Japan and South Korea, weren't Christian in the first place, much less Orthodox Christians. (by the way, it is proper to capitalise Orthodox in this context. Using lower case for "Orthodox" belittles the Church.)

The original post was directed at atheism and I find that in some ways that they some times get much closer to the truth or closer to God than organized religions are.
Yes, some atheists believe they are a god, but many more realize there is as much likelyhood of there being a god as they themselves are likely to be the one god.
I am an atheist, but you don't have to worship me if you don't want to. I won't mind.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

Novus Collectus said:
Your statement of is pointless when taken in context of your last statement since three countries on the list, Vietnam, Japan and South Korea, weren't Christian in the first place, much less Orthodox Christians.
:jameo: Well those have Orthodox Buddhism, Shintoism, Taoism, and other versions of religions and I value their beliefs too.
Novus Collectus said:
(by the way, it is proper to capitalise Orthodox in this context. Using lower case for "Orthodox" belittles the Church.)
:whistle: That is funny, but I will try to remember to comply with that.
Novus Collectus said:
Yes, some atheists believe they are a god, but many more realize there is as much likelyhood of there being a god as they themselves are likely to be the one god.
I am an atheist, but you don't have to worship me if you don't want to. I won't mind.
:whistle: I really meant that atheist come to believe in morality over deity.

That is the true bottom line that we do right more-so then believe right.

The action counts far more than the thought.

So many Atheist see that people need to be truthful, and to be moral, ethical and do right,

while many Othodox people think they are right and failing to actually doing right.

It does not matter what one believes if they treat others with respect. :popcorn:

Novus Collectus

New Member
JPC sr said:
:jameo: Well those have Orthodox Buddhism, Shintoism, Taoism, and other versions of religions and I value their beliefs too.
Ah, but you seem to not realise that the Shintoists are polytheists believing in numerous gods, and many of the Buddhists are classified as atheists not believing in the existence of a supreme being and have been considered atheists long before the 19th century. So therefore your opinion about their societies changing towards atheism due to 20th century wars is still erroneous.

:whistle: I really meant that atheist come to believe in morality over deity.

That is the true bottom line that we do right more-so then believe right.

The action counts far more than the thought.

So many Atheist see that people need to be truthful, and to be moral, ethical and do right,

while many Othodox people think they are right and failing to actually doing right.

It does not matter what one believes if they treat others with respect. :popcorn:
You just described human social relations and evolved societal attitudes. It is not a function of the non-existence of a god or gods. If a society has certain values and survives while others with different values fail, of course what we are left with is the values of the one that survived. A better educated society usually has a better chance of surviving and prospering and with education, ethics are usually more prevalent. It matters not if they are more atheistic or more religious, but there does seem to be a correllation between higher education and people being less religious at a higher rate than the less educated. http://religion.ssrc.org/reforum/Gross_Simmons.pdf

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

Novus Collectus said:
Ah, but you seem to not realise that the Shintoists are polytheists believing in numerous gods, and many of the Buddhists are classified as atheists not believing in the existence of a supreme being and have been considered atheists long before the 19th century. So therefore your opinion about their societies changing towards atheism due to 20th century wars is still erroneous.
:whistle: I was saying they changed from their Orthodoxy and not necessarily to Atheism.

Those religions have lots of mistakes and problems in them like Christianity does,

but the original Christ and Buddha and Muhammad and Moses and others are still true and can stand alone.

It is the organized religions and societies that were knocked and shook by wars.
Novus Collectus said:
You just described human social relations and evolved societal attitudes. It is not a function of the non-existence of a god or gods. If a society has certain values and survives while others with different values fail, of course what we are left with is the values of the one that survived. A better educated society usually has a better chance of surviving and prospering and with education, ethics are usually more prevalent.
:whistle: That makes sense to me.
Novus Collectus said:
It matters not if they are more atheistic or more religious, but there does seem to be a correllation between higher education and people being less religious at a higher rate than the less educated. http://religion.ssrc.org/reforum/Gross_Simmons.pdf
:whistle: Our higher education is corrupt and it creates super smart people without any true moral base and so they are self creating morality and stumbling into God at the same time.

Anyone that seeks a morality or higher ethics will always comfront God and find out that God was a friend all along.