Lebron James, he mad


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Queen James is upset that he doesn't get to ask himself questions.

NBA superstar and media mogul LeBron James has become one of the most powerful and influential voices in all of sports. He paused during a Wednesday night press conference to use his power and influence to express dismay that reporters had not asked him about a recent controversy that disappeared almost as quickly as it emerged.

“I was wondering why I haven’t gotten a question from you guys about the Jerry Jones photo, but when the Kyrie [Irving] thing was going on, you guys were quick to ask us questions about that,” James said.

“And I feel like as a Black man as a Black athlete as someone with power and a platform, when we do something wrong or something that people don’t agree with, it’s on every single tabloid, every single news coverage, it’s on the bottom ticker, it’s asked about every single day. But it seems like to me that the whole Jerry Jones situation, photo — and I know it was years and years ago and we all make mistakes, I get it — but it seemed like it’s been buried under like, ‘Oh, It happened. We just move on.’ And I was kind of disappointed that I haven’t received that question from you guys.”

i'm a social influencer!!!


Well-Known Member
Maybe if he wants to answer questions so badly (and wants to factor race into it which he obviously does) then reporters can show him pictures of the AA that pushed the Asian woman in front of the subway. Or, the multitude of AAs that were arrested in Chicago for gangland shootings of other AAs. Any comment LeBron?


Well-Known Member
I know i'm not the biggest sports fan, but when did Lebron start playing for the Dallas Cowboys?