Leep Procedure


New Member
Has anyone had a leep procedure before? If so, how did it go? Did you have any complications, were able to get pregnant after, and did you have to have another one? I know it's a lot of questions but I have to have one and I was curious about other women's experiences with it. Thanks.


New Member
Has anyone had a leep procedure before? If so, how did it go? Did you have any complications, were able to get pregnant after, and did you have to have another one? I know it's a lot of questions but I have to have one and I was curious about other women's experiences with it. Thanks.

i had the procedure done in june of 2008. i had no complications. i have not tried to get pregnant but was told that the leep wouldn't prevent pregnancy. i am sending you a pm with additional information


New Member
Has anyone had a leep procedure before? If so, how did it go? Did you have any complications, were able to get pregnant after, and did you have to have another one? I know it's a lot of questions but I have to have one and I was curious about other women's experiences with it. Thanks.

I had 4 leeps and conceived a year later. I had some cramping afterwards but tylenol helped it alot and make sure to take it easy the rest of that day. I ended up having stage II cervical cancer 3 years later so make sure you keep an eye on it and get regular checks. I went from normal pap to cancer in 1 year. Good luck


Dream Stealer
Leep does NOT prevent pregnancy. It may cause an incompetant cervix which may cause miscarriage. this is a rare complication, however and even if it occurs it can be treated with a stich in the cervix. circlage (sp?)

In all likelyhood you can have leep and all will be well. if you are young (under21) you can get another opinion, and may be able to avoid the procedure altogether. If not, it may be the best course of action to get the leep done.

Also, make sure they do a repeat pap..not just biopsy. I had a terrible year until they did a repeat pap..and everything was actually fine.


I also had it done with no complications. Some cramping afterwards, but other then that just fine. I was 20 when I had the procedure and almost 8 years later...all paps still clear!


I've also had it done, & I believe I had it twice. But I had no complications. I also have had a child since then. It was pretty painless.


The worst part...

was no sex for 4-6 weeks after! No real pain, just some crampy feeling for a day or two. Kinda freaky when the "scabs" came off. All tests since have come back clean. I had mine 4 years ago.


Thanks everyone for all of the info. I really appreciate it. It definately puts my mind more at ease!

Not to bust the bubble, but...

I had one years ago....I was fine until after the 2 wk mark. I was told I was no longer restricted from exercise, lifing heavy things etc. No sex, but everything else was fine. Well I ended up lifting things after the 2 wks mark and I hemeraged the next day. I ended up in the ER and put on rest for a couple days and told no lifting, no exercise for 3wks. No lifting over 10 lbs for 4wks. So be careful...just because you feel fine and they say you can do things, I wouldn't lift anything over 20lbs, for a long time (3-4wks).

Do to other problems I think I have never been able to have kids....and in Dec 2009 I was diagnosed with uterine cancer and had to under go a full hysterectomy and lyphnode removal in Jan 2010. I am doing better now, but still moving slow.

Overall the LEEP isn't horrible, just be mindful during recovery, and keep up your regular wellness visits and if you think something isn't normal seek help and push if you need too. I have heard from others that have had to undergo LEEPs and they have had problems later on.

I wish you the best....