Left Attacks Scott Atlas For Saying Same Things About COVID As The New York Times, Six Months Earlier


PREMO Member
Atlas is just a prominent face for this view that the power-hungry elites need to crush to avoid responsibility for their horrifically bad leadership during the COVID outbreak, as well as to get Trump. So they seek to destroy him because he and the scientific coalition he represents makes it clear that these public health emperors may have plenty of masks, but no clothes.

Thus YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook have repeatedly banned or slapped warnings on Atlas’s statements and all scientific evidence that might support the Great Barrington view. This week a former Obama official called for Atlas’s medical license to be revoked for the crime of practicing science.


Things like this are not only anti-science, they are anti-public health. Yanking Atlas’s license because he participated in the scientific process by challenging interpretations of evidence with more evidence will not only end scientific advancement, it will legitimize the growing anti-vaccine movement by providing a legitimate martyr to rally around instead of a fake one.

Left Attacks Scott Atlas For Saying Same Things About COVID As The New York Times, Six Months Earlier
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Well-Known Member
Twitter needs to be slapped down. Everyone who posts on it thinks they are experts when they are not.