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PREMO Member
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Liberal Clergy Praise Planned Parenthood ‘Doing God’s Work’

The statement does not mention abortion, instead portraying Planned Parenthood as an indispensable provider of “high-quality care” that “does the best of what religious traditions do.”

The clergy also appeal to religious liberty and individual conscience, portraying the abortion provider’s opponents as seeking “to impose their values and work obsessively to limit access to health care on individuals.”

“Our religious traditions call us to offer compassion, not judgment,” the clergy declare. “People who work for Planned Parenthood give care and respect to those in need, doing God’s work. For this we are grateful.”

The Advocacy Board includes clergy from the United Church of Christ, Episcopal Church and American Baptist Churches as well as clergy from Reformed Jewish and Unitarian Universalist congregations.

Among the clergy listed are Episcopal Priest Susan Russell of All Saints Episcopal Church in Pasadena, California, a prominent lesbian activist within the Episcopal Church who is listed as Vice Chair. The clergy board also lists Ani Zonneveld of Muslims for Progressive Values among its members. Zonneveld served as a board member of the short-lived Progressive Muslim Union of North America and has presided over same-sex weddings.