Lefty Loons Still Making Faux Movies


No Use for Donk Twits
This is being passed off as real by Alan Colmes source for the snarky comments regarding Palin and her son, Trig. Gimme a break!

Can you spot the discrepancies? (other than forestools credits at the end?)

Supposedly this is "Todd Palin" ragging on his wife, and expressing his horror at being upstaged by her, upon being informed that his wife has been elected mayor.



Lovin' being Texican
Me. Me. OOO let me give you one.

This is being passed off as real by Alan Colmes source for the snarky comments regarding Palin and her son, Trig. Gimme a break!

Can you spot the discrepancies? (other than forestools credits at the end?)

Snowmobiles. :killingme :lmao: The Pros up there call them Snowmachines.