lemonade stand for breast cancer


New Member
ladies letting you know, my stylist at total eclipse, her daughter is having a lemonade stand out side for breast cancer saturday at 11 am show your support if you can :thewave:


Active Member
Is she ready

Does she have the appropriate permits? Has the health Dept. done a proper inspection of all her equipment? Has she got the proper insurances and workers comp coverage? Will she pay the appropriate income taxes?
We do live in the peoples republic of MD and you know that Obama needs whatever $ he can lay his hands on.
Make sure she doesn't hire an illegal alien!


Does she have the appropriate permits? Has the health Dept. done a proper inspection of all her equipment? Has she got the proper insurances and workers comp coverage? Will she pay the appropriate income taxes?
We do live in the peoples republic of MD and you know that Obama needs whatever $ he can lay his hands on.
Make sure she doesn't hire an illegal alien!

No kidding, it happened if Oregon. People have nothing better to do than harass children.
