Less housework blame for bigger womens waistlines

Women's waistlines have grown six inches over the past 60 years because they don't do as much housework as their grandmothers, the researchers say. Housewives in the 1950s housewives used to burn 1,000 calories a day by doing the chores, but modern appliances make those chores easier. Now, many more women work full-time and have a more sedintary lifestyle.

Not only did the average woman 50 years ago eat less, an average of 1,818 calories a day compared with today's 2,178 caloric average, she had a more active lifestyle.

Improved gadgets have also significantly reduced the time and effort required for housework, Doctor Ros Altmann, Saga's director-general, tells the Daily Mail.

"If you think back to the 1950s most women would not even have had a washing machine," she says.

"They wouldn't have had duvets so the simple task of making a bed would have demanded far more physical activity. Women would have burned a significant number of calories just keeping the house going."

Also with an average of one car per family, many housewives walked to complete their chores.

Less housework to blame for womens' bigger waistlines - WTOP.com
This article really puts things in perspective... this can also be applied to men... they now have riding lawnmowers, power tools, auto-car washes, golf carts which are not only used when golfing but to save them from having to walk from the house to somewhere else on the property, etc.

Our children have battery operated toy cars to ride instead of the Big Wheel or tricycles of the past. They bowl, golf, box, etc. using a video game instead of doing the real thing. Heck most kids aren't even allowed to play outside these days when mother's used to shove them out the door and didn't expect to see their kids again until dinner time.


New Member
My dryer broke down last month and I haven't replaced it yet. I get exercise every Saturday from hanging up huge loads of clothes in the yard. Most women won't even think about doing stuff like that now. By the way, my electric bill has dropped too as an added benefit. I wonder what else I can do around the house to save electricity and get a free work out......
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My dryer broke down last month and I haven't replaced it yet. I get exercise every Saturday from hanging up huge loads of clothes in the yard. Most women won't even think about doing stuff like that now. By the way, my electric bill has dropped too as an added benefit. I wonder what else I can do around the house to save electricity and get a free work out......

I love hanging clothes out, except during wild fires, not crazy about the clothes smelling like smoke and having ashes on them.


In My Opinion
Being the caring husband that I am, I intend to remove all of these devices from our home.
washing machine, gone
dryer, gone
stove, replaced with big cast iron pot over fire
dishwasher, gone,,, oh wait, I do dishes, dishwasher stays but gets locked so she cant try to wash the clothing in it.
her car, gone

Let it not be said that I am not willing to do what it takes to make my woman happy