Let Fat Adults Die - Save The Kids


Ubi bene ibi patria
Let adult fatties eat themselves to death. The kids we can save

"According to our Prime Minister, obesity is "one of the biggest threats" we face. For some time now politicians have employed the same terminology to talk about health issues as they do about waging wars – which generally entails maiming and killing people. Being fat isn't acceptable – it's talked about as an "epidemic" or a "battle" that must be fought, just like operations in Afghanistan and Iraq.

It does seem a bit rich to be using such emotive language to describe nothing more than a plethora of love handles or beer guts. And I'm not sure that spending millions of pounds on public service advertising telling us all what we all know already – if you eat too much you pile on the pounds – isn't a complete waste of time."

Editor-At-Large: Let adult fatties eat themselves to death. The kids we can save - Janet Street-Porter, Commentators - Independent.co.uk


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Larry Gude

Strung Out

...amidst the free health care paid for by rich people 'policy' debate, there is a good point;

Why should there be health insurance, paid for by the public, for people who do not take care of themselves?

If I never got an oil change, should someone else pay to fix my engine?

If I don't maintain my house should you all pay to fix it when it falls apart or if someone gets hurt because I didn't fix that rickety bannister?


Well-Known Member
...amidst the free health care paid for by rich people 'policy' debate, there is a good point;

Why should there be health insurance, paid for by the public, for people who do not take care of themselves?

The same could be asked about those who smoke, drink, have unprotected sex, sky dive, snorkel, don't wear seatbelts, don't floss, don't eat vegetables, don't tie their shoes, don't wear belts, don't lift their feet at railroad crossings, jay-walk, etc.

You're never going to be able to decide who takes care of themselves and who doesn't. :shrug:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I didn't make...

The same could be asked about those who smoke, drink, have unprotected sex, sky dive, snorkel, don't wear seatbelts, don't floss, don't eat vegetables, don't tie their shoes, don't wear belts, don't lift their feet at railroad crossings, jay-walk, etc.

You're never going to be able to decide who takes care of themselves and who doesn't. :shrug:

...the point clear; We should society pay for ANYONE's healthcare?

If you take real good care of yourself, why shouldn't you be able to buy a poolicy that reflects that and if I smoke and drink and vote Democrat and other ills to my health, I can buy a policy that reflects the less care I give my body instead of making you, who care better for yourself, pay for my negligence?


The same could be asked about those who smoke, drink, have unprotected sex, sky dive, snorkel, don't wear seatbelts, don't floss, don't eat vegetables, don't tie their shoes, don't wear belts, don't lift their feet at railroad crossings, jay-walk, etc.

You're never going to be able to decide who takes care of themselves and who doesn't. :shrug:



Well-Known Member
...the point clear; We should society pay for ANYONE's healthcare?

:yay: I gotcha now. I thought you meant only overweight people.

If you take real good care of yourself, why shouldn't you be able to buy a poolicy that reflects that and if I smoke and drink and vote Democrat and other ills to my health, I can buy a policy that reflects the less care I give my body instead of making you, who care better for yourself, pay for my negligence?

:eyebrow: I'm not sure I want one of those....

Big Fatty

...amidst the free health care paid for by rich people 'policy' debate, there is a good point;

Why should there be health insurance, paid for by the public, for people who do not take care of themselves?

If I never got an oil change, should someone else pay to fix my engine?

If I don't maintain my house should you all pay to fix it when it falls apart or if someone gets hurt because I didn't fix that rickety bannister?

I agree 100%. :high5::clap: