Let me guess, Fox isn’t reporting the impeachment inquiry yet


They call me ... Sarcasmo
They had live coverage of Nancy announcing how the inquiry was going to operate. AOC is already melting down because climate change will kill us before impeachment proceedings will start.


I wanna play a guessing game too:

I going to guess that CNN and MSNBC haven't reported on Scott Pressler's clean up campaign, because I haven't seen the Prog-Squad around here shouting about it from the rooftops.

No doubt they would be if they had heard about it.




They had live coverage of Nancy announcing how the inquiry was going to operate. AOC is already melting down because climate change will kill us before impeachment proceedings will start.

Then they talked about it incessantly for hours afterwards. They even bumped The Five for it. That's the only show I really look forward to watching because of Gutfeld's "Animals are Great" segment.

I don't suppose it's too much to ask that one be informed about the subject in which they want to discuss, by actually watching said network?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
What's changed? They've been doing impeachment inquiries since before Trump took office. What was the Mueller investigation? This is the most scrutinized President in history.

This is a bone to throw the dumb progs - "See us doing something? Sort of?" They'll be pacified for about 10 seconds, then start whining because Trump is still our President.


What's changed? They've been doing impeachment inquiries since before Trump took office. What was the Mueller investigation? This is the most scrutinized President in history.

This is a bone to throw the dumb progs - "See us doing something? Sort of?" They'll be pacified for about 10 seconds, then start whining because Trump is still our President.

I'm at a point where I want this to play through. I have my 🍿 and ready to watch the democrat implosion take place.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm at a point where I want this to play through. I have my 🍿 and ready to watch the democrat implosion take place.

On some level I feel for Nancy and the establishment Dems. They're trying to manage this chaos and appease the insane while maintaining some semblance of electability. But you know what? They (and their media mouthpieces) created these monsters. This is their circus and their monkeys.

So yeah...ha ha.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
First thing I saw when I turned Fox on this morning was nothing but coverage of Queen Nancy's rather stilted announcement... This gonna be fun to watch. ;-)


On some level I feel for Nancy and the establishment Dems. They're trying to manage this chaos and appease the insane while maintaining some semblance of electability. But you know what? They (and their media mouthpieces) created these monsters. This is their circus and their monkeys.

So yeah...ha ha.

It was predictable she was going to cave. I don't believe there was any part of her that didn't want this to happen. She just didn't want to be the point man on it. When the floor falls out on democrats in 2020, she can point the finger away from her.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
When the floor falls out on democrats in 2020, she can point the finger away from her.

Unfortunately she's Speaker of the House. I mean, we all know that AOC is the real leader of that party, but she won't face any blowback from this - Nancy will because she has the title. And she knows it.

Chickens are coming home to roost, as they say, and it is fun to see someone's corruption and malfeasance come back to bite them in the ass.


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
What if we found out the Dems were doing the same thing in Ukraine back in 2018...?

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Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Wake me up when somebody finds something that is actually criminal. Until then it's all political.


Well-Known Member
Wake me up when somebody finds something that is actually criminal. Until then it's all political.
Nap until 2020. Then the conversation will be “why didnt he get impeached when they had so much dirt on him. How in the hell did he get reelected”?


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
Wake me up when somebody finds something that is actually criminal. Until then it's all political.
Exactly. Maybe "dirty politics," but "politics" nonetheless. Just like the Dems' impeachment mania. The difference is that this impeachment silliness is beyond politics; it's 100% theater of the absurd.

Let's see if the Dems pay for this silliness in 2020.

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They call me ... Sarcasmo
It gets thickerer and thickerer ... The lawyer for the "whistleblower" is a former staffer for one Senator Charles Schumer and one (former) Senator and 2 time presidential failure, Hillary Clinton.

Chew on that for a bit.

From Andrew Bakaj’s bio:
Prior to joining the Department of Defense, Andrew was a private practice attorney in Washington, DC and clerked with the Department of Justice. Furthermore, he has Capitol Hill experience having served three United States Senators: Senators Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Charles E. Schumer, and Hillary Rodham Clinton.
