Let me just say...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
...ha effing ha ha ha!

This is a horror. In a column written June 28, I asserted that more Iraqis (civilians) had now been killed in this war than had been killed by Saddam Hussein over his 24-year rule. WRONG. Really, really wrong.

My sincere apologies. It is unforgivable of me not have checked. I am so sorry.

KMA, #####. Now you can go call off all those Leftist freaks that are your biggest fans and tell them you don't know squat about anything, that you make it up on the fly to suit your Bush-bashing agenda and that you are the dumbest :badword: that ever lived.

"Shrub" indeed.


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PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
I'm glad that she at least acknowledged something no Arab publication EVER wants to admit, and that few liberals even come close to admitting - the sanctions against Iraq which so frequently are cited as "proof" of the United States' atocity were :

1. Put in place by, and (kind of, wink, wink, nudge, nudge) "enforced" by the United Nations.

2. Worsened much by a despot who used the profits from the oil fields to build palaces rather than alleviate the widespread suffering among the people. With billions spent on bribes, palaces, corruption and weapons programs, the claim of hundreds of thousands of dead because of the United States is ABSURD - Saddam *always* had the ability to stop it - but didn't.

I just can't figure out how she thought Saddam ONLY killed a few ten thousands of his population, when at least a handful of instances widely known easily obliterate that number (since, when a head of state ONLY KILLS 20,000 of his own people is 'acceptable' somehow).

I wonder what thunderbolt hit this woman to recognize something we've all seen and have been saying for the last several *years*? What took her so long?


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PREMO Member
Railroad said:
Perhaps a lawsuit?
That almost makes sense. Except, I can't think of anyone who'd succeed.

I'm inclined to suspect that someone with enough credibility was about to blow her assertions apart. People don't just get epiphanies over years-old data.


Methodically disorganized
vraiblonde said:
I most enjoyed the prevailing attitude of "At least you admitted it -- Bush has never admitted any wrongdoing." Liberals have become so accustomed to tossing around absurd, tailored facts within their party gatherings that they forget they can't simply get away with it in open public.

Also forgotten is motive. America is fighting for freedom and ultimately peace. Saddam was ruthless and cold-blooded. He murdered indiscriminately and to preserve his reign... if chaos was rampant throughout the rest of the nation he was indifferent.

The administration's execution of this war/stabilization has not been ideal, but how the Libs can put our actions at the same level (or worse) as those of Saddam... :confused: