Let no Moss grow...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...anyone catch Randy Moss's interview?

He get's asked "How's your relationship with Coach Norv?"

Randy, silent, kinda rolls his eyes.

Next question: "What do you think of Coach Norvell?"

Randy sits there, silent for like 15-20 seconds and you can actually hear him because his body launguage is screaming, then, finally...

"Coach is the man. I think his offensive philosophy, I like that..."

Prior to this Randy Moss, RM, says he and TO have NOTHING in common except for making plays on the field.

So, anyway, I am of the opinion that RM is as much interested in being the center of attention as TO and I think RM is just as immature and, shall we say, encumbered when speaking to the media as TO in terms of what to say and how to say it.

Further, I think the sports media look to TO and RM for quotes because they know that they both are, well, can we be honest here?...they know that they are both stupid enough to give a reporter some raw meat. Just add microphone; instant moron. Easy stories, back slaps all around, you may go forward with your reporter career.

Of course, it's kinda hard to blame the media as 99% of their interviews go something like this:

"So, stud, how's you relationship with coach even though you are 3-7 at this point?"

"Duh...me and uh, coach, get along GREAT. ***smile*** Derh, we just both want to do our part. He wants to, uh, coach real good and I just want to...umm...be the best player I can be ***don't roll eyes*** and help da team...derh...***sit up like puppy that done good***"

"And what do you think of coach?"

"Coach is awesome. I mean, derp, he ***smile*** does this for a living and has a parking ***eyes*** space that says...derh...coach and all...and... ***puppy thing***..."

So, my question:

Is the media guilty of exploiting TO and RM and their mental hanicap?

You have to be honest and admit when you hear these guys you are thinking "how can he be that STUPID and that great a player? Do they have to write the playbook in crayon for this dolt?"

Imagine what you'd be thinking if you interviewed them?

"So, you actually can't stand Norv and think he's a moron, huh? But compared to you, I mean come on...you're a ####ing retard..."

And, if the media is exploiting them, which of course they are, how come we don't cut them slack seeings how they are doing the job on the field? Come on, TO haters...Better to speak well and suck?

AND, seeings how you WON'T give the mentally handicapped a break, how come you DO give the physically handicapped a break?

I mean, where's your line? What is the standard? On the one hand, idiots who can play. On the other, a great interview, #8, but retard on the field, huh?

In plain English, are you guys a bunch of handicap discriminators? It's OK to be a fumbling Parkinsons victim, Mark Brunnel, dropping more hog on the field than a pot bellied pig with leprosy, IF you give good Mic but NOT OK to be a majestic swann on the field IF you sniffed too much glue while at college AND it manifests itself in front of that very same mic???



Larry Gude

Strung Out
A ha!

...a NEW tactic!

Larry will SHUT up if you just agree with him, eh?

Well, I'm on to your little game now, miss...


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
...anyone catch Randy Moss's interview?

He get's asked "How's your relationship with Coach Norv?"

Randy, silent, kinda rolls his eyes.

Next question: "What do you think of Coach Norvell?"

Randy sits there, silent for like 15-20 seconds and you can actually hear him because his body launguage is screaming, then, finally...

"Coach is the man. I think his offensive philosophy, I like that..."

Prior to this Randy Moss, RM, says he and TO have NOTHING in common except for making plays on the field.

So, anyway, I am of the opinion that RM is as much interested in being the center of attention as TO and I think RM is just as immature and, shall we say, encumbered when speaking to the media as TO in terms of what to say and how to say it.

Further, I think the sports media look to TO and RM for quotes because they know that they both are, well, can we be honest here?...they know that they are both stupid enough to give a reporter some raw meat. Just add microphone; instant moron. Easy stories, back slaps all around, you may go forward with your reporter career.

Of course, it's kinda hard to blame the media as 99% of their interviews go something like this:

"So, stud, how's you relationship with coach even though you are 3-7 at this point?"

"Duh...me and uh, coach, get along GREAT. ***smile*** Derh, we just both want to do our part. He wants to, uh, coach real good and I just want to...umm...be the best player I can be ***don't roll eyes*** and help da team...derh...***sit up like puppy that done good***"

"And what do you think of coach?"

"Coach is awesome. I mean, derp, he ***smile*** does this for a living and has a parking ***eyes*** space that says...derh...coach and all...and... ***puppy thing***..."

So, my question:

Is the media guilty of exploiting TO and RM and their mental hanicap?

You have to be honest and admit when you hear these guys you are thinking "how can he be that STUPID and that great a player? Do they have to write the playbook in crayon for this dolt?"

Imagine what you'd be thinking if you interviewed them?

"So, you actually can't stand Norv and think he's a moron, huh? But compared to you, I mean come on...you're a ####ing retard..."

And, if the media is exploiting them, which of course they are, how come we don't cut them slack seeings how they are doing the job on the field? Come on, TO haters...Better to speak well and suck?

AND, seeings how you WON'T give the mentally handicapped a break, how come you DO give the physically handicapped a break?

I mean, where's your line? What is the standard? On the one hand, idiots who can play. On the other, a great interview, #8, but retard on the field, huh?

In plain English, are you guys a bunch of handicap discriminators? It's OK to be a fumbling Parkinsons victim, Mark Brunnel, dropping more hog on the field than a pot bellied pig with leprosy, IF you give good Mic but NOT OK to be a majestic swann on the field IF you sniffed too much glue while at college AND it manifests itself in front of that very same mic???



<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v203/otterzzz/grammar-police-arrest-this-man.gif">

Larry Gude

Strung Out

cattitude said:
Confucious say:

Discussing football with Rarry rike pissing in wind... end up with bad taste in mouth.


...repeat after me:

Brunnell:...Bad. Very, very bad.

Patrick: Road not taken.

Now, conversation not so tough after all.


Well-Known Member
Hey Larry,

Is ESPN taking advantage of the mentally challenged? Probably. BUT, these guys are getting a wake-up call of sorts, and I think it's well-deserved. For the longest time(probably since high school) they have never been challenged on anything they do or say. Welcome to the real world you self-centered, under-educated gladiators!(Haven't had my coffee yet, a little grumpy).

Larry Gude

Strung Out
But there it is...

donbarzini said:
Hey Larry,

Is ESPN taking advantage of the mentally challenged? Probably. BUT, these guys are getting a wake-up call of sorts, and I think it's well-deserved. For the longest time(probably since high school) they have never been challenged on anything they do or say. Welcome to the real world you self-centered, under-educated gladiators!(Haven't had my coffee yet, a little grumpy).

...what's real to them has been being coddled.

Bill Parcells has some rookie D lineman who might make the Pro Bowl and Bill MAKES the guy get him cups of water during practice.

To a RM or TO this is degrading, power struggle BS. To the kid doing it for Parcells, his coach is telling him: You WILL respect me. You WILL respect your team and the opportunity you have and, oh by the way, I think you're special enough to deserve the extra attention, I care about you.

There is rumor that TO may go to Dallas.

That would be interesting.