Let the games begin!


endangered species
The kids aren't even back from recess yet:


"If the Republicans don't play ball, they are going to have a real problem getting the Senate organized next year," vowed a top Democratic aide. "There is no way in hell we should allow these guys to get away with demands for a two-thirds/one-third split in funding."

"But that is exactly what Republicans are driving toward, after wresting control of the majority from Democrats in the midterm elections...

"GOP sources said that Santorum plans to strongly advocate Republican chairmen accept nothing less than a two-thirds/one-third split in committee funding. "


I guess this is one problem that you can hang on Lott's head. He should have never made those stupid "power sharing" agreements back in 2000.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Like I've said before... He "gives in" too quickly and "gives away" too much.