Let the spin begin!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
On the front page of the Wash Post this morning, the big headline was:
"Declassified Memo Said Al Qaeda Was in U.S.
Aug. 6 Report to President Warned of Hijacking"

If that's not distressing enough, the article goes on to say that, basically, this memo had all the information Bush needed to prevent 9-11. My heart sank even further when I saw the side story that said that, even though Bush knew terrorist attackes were going to happen within a month, he was out on the golf course without a care in the world.

I was disappointed and disturbed, to say the least.

Then I read the actual text of the memo:

The Post convenently omitted the fact that all this activity took place in the 90's when you-know-who was President. Read the memo. This whole witch-hunt with Bush is a farce and a sham. I feel completely mislead and manipulated by the liberal media and I'll never belive a single thing they "report" ever again.

From now on, when I read a story in the Post or on CNN, I'll just assume it's a lie and the opposite is what's the truth.


Nothing to see here
It just goes to show you how much the libs believe that if you keep selling the same chit, people will start believing....My eyes cross when someone starts ranting about 9-11 being Bush's fault, anyone that believes that a president can stop something like that in his first 8 months of office is psycho. If Gore had won the election, the libs would be screaming that if Bush Sr had finished the job in Iraq, it never would have happened. Libs are not about the USA, they are all about politics. The misinformation/slanting/spin that is coming out of the DNC is all about selling their koolaid. Pity to the fools that drink it.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
9/11 was preventable by Bush and here's how...

1. Follow through on all the leads FBI field agents had about the flight school stuff and other ties.

This would have been, of course, in violation of the civil rights of the individuals and in violation of US law enforcement rules and procedures...and been thrown out of court rather quickly unless we...

2. Arrested and housed every person on the CIA and FBI watch lists of foreign nationals known to be residing in the US who have SUSPICIOUS ties to known terror groups. Include family members, US friends and associates.

Put them off shore...say...Guitmo?...to get around the legal thorns.

3. Change the entire structure and legal charters of the CIA and FBI. Permit the CIA to spy in the United States. Change the FBI from chasing people who have commited crimes into an organization that prevents crimes, via consistent and constant violations of several Amendments to the Constitution, including but not limited to the 5th, 11th and 14th.

Now, spend 5 seconds pondering the outrage from the left in this country had even one of these steps been proposed, let alone enacted, prior to 9/11.


Dancing Up A Storm
Re: 9/11 was preventable by Bush and here's how...

Originally posted by Larry Gude
1. Follow through on all the leads FBI field agents had about the flight school stuff and other ties.

This would have been, of course, in violation of the civil rights of the individuals and in violation of US law enforcement rules and procedures...and been thrown out of court rather quickly unless we...

2. Arrested and housed every person on the CIA and FBI watch lists of foreign nationals known to be residing in the US who have SUSPICIOUS ties to known terror groups. Include family members, US friends and associates.

Put them off shore...say...Guitmo?...to get around the legal thorns.

3. Change the entire structure and legal charters of the CIA and FBI. Permit the CIA to spy in the United States. Change the FBI from chasing people who have commited crimes into an organization that prevents crimes, via consistent and constant violations of several Amendments to the Constitution, including but not limited to the 5th, 11th and 14th.

Now, spend 5 seconds pondering the outrage from the left in this country had even one of these steps been proposed, let alone enacted, prior to 9/11.
:lol: I don't even think it took me three seconds to burst out laughing - the liberal left would be OUTRAGED if any of these ideas were acted on.
Afterall, if they cannot stomach the Patriot Act, how in the name of Hades does anyone think they'd abide by any of these measures?

This 9/11 Commision is nothing more than a vehicle for the democrats to bash Pres. Bush and his administration, and hopefully make the case for their own weak nominee to draw even or better yet, defeat the President in November.


Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by kwillia
You laugh now... but just imagine the steps that could have been taken had they issued warnings such as this one issued this past weekend...:shocking:

:cool: I'm not sure I saw anything in that article that we have not seen in countless others - from the anniversary of 9/11 on.

I am not discounting the threat; it's still out there, as much as it has ever been.

Maybe, just maybe the FBI, CIA and related Law Enforcement agencies have been causing enough havoc with these internal terrorists, that they're unable to put together any sort of operation without being discovered.

The idea that is scary, for want of a better word, is that these terrorists are willing to wait until the moment we "drop our guard" so to speak.

We can't afford to do that.

Investigations have shown that the hijackers of 9/11 were in this country for as much as 5 years, planning their attacks.

It's hard, given the type of life we've been accustomed to, but that's what we have get used to doing, the same as European and Middle Eastern nations have for years.

We have been a nation that looks the other way when we see a crime being commited, for fear of "having to get involved" in a nasty scene, what, with police, the courts and lawyers, etc.

If you think I'm talking nonsense, how many people do you know look forward to being selected for jury duty?

We can't just look the other way anymore, and I think that's a fact of life we can't afford to treat as normal anymore. JMHO


Dancing Up A Storm
:burning: I also think we as conservatives, independents and conservative democrats have to send a message to the likes of Teddy Kennedy(Ma), Robert Byrd(Wv?), Robert Graham(Fl), that their talk of anti-war spewing - another Vietnam - is not what our partisan polititians should be standing up on the worlds' stage telling us.

Do they not "get it" that CNN, among others, carries this type of coverage and broadcasts it throughout the ENTIRE world?

Suckers, they are aiding and abetting the terrorists, by giving them comfort!

It's like saying: "Osama Bin Laden, just wait a little longer; our rhetoric will have an effect on the American position on the Iraq war, they'll grow tired of it. We will withdraw, and you will win."

Traitorous bastages.


Dancing Up A Storm
From the Washinton Times article that Flo posted a link to:

" Sony Pictures already has optioned the film rights to former White House counterterrorism maven Richard A. Clarke's book, "Against All Enemies," which criticized White House terrorism efforts and received a publicity boost from Mr. Clarke's appearance before the September 11 commission last month."

I posted something to the same effect as this last week, when I saw an article disputing Richard Clarke's testimony before the 9/11 Commision.

Of course, it wouldn't take a genius to figure out that Hollywood saw a venue to smear Pres. Bushs' administration; shoot, who's gonna headline it?

More surprises - Tim Robbins and/or Susan Sarandon as producer/director?


Asperger's Poster Child
What's funny is that the Post lauded Bush in its lead editorial. Either there are conflicting agendas at the paper, or the editorial staff is too vulnerable to criticism.


Reading the memo in its entirety, it's hard to see it, as some of President Bush's opponents contend, as a smoking gun that proves the administration was asleep at the switch before Sept. 11. To suggest that Mr. Bush, having received the memo, should have rushed back to the White House from Crawford, Tex., is unfair and unrealistic. Only with the benefit of hindsight does the document acquire that level of foreboding and urgency -- and in any event the plans were so far underway at that stage that even a presidential red alert might have made no difference...

Before Sept. 11, neither the Bush administration nor its predecessor fully appreciated the threat from al Qaeda or the risk of a domestic attack. The Bush administration inherited the structural impediments and bureaucratic jealousies that contributed to the failure of government agencies to share information that might have unraveled the plot...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I am shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, that the Wash Post would print that as an editorial, considering the lies and spin they put on their front page.

Any thinking person can look at the 9-11 memo and realize that it was a historical document, just like Rice said and just like the Washington Post said.

Now there's another memo that "warned" the President that Muslim American men were taking flying lessons. The nuts I was listening to this morning seem to think that was a GREAT BIG red flag and Bush should have "done something". The interviewer didn't think to ask, "Like what?" :rolleyes: