Letter Bomb Sent to EU Catches Fire



BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) - A letter bomb addressed to the head of the European Parliament's Christian Democrat group burst into flames on Monday without causing injury in the latest mail attack on European Union targets.

A second suspicious package addressed to a conservative member of the legislature was being investigated by bomb disposal experts at the EU's legislature.

The attack against German parliament member Hans-Gert Poettering was the fifth on EU institutions in the past two weeks.

A padded envelope caught fire when a member of Poettering's staff tried to open it early Monday. "Luckily she was not injured but the envelope is destroyed," said a party spokeswoman Fiona Kearns.

Later Monday, Belgium bomb-disposal squad were called to deal with a suspicious package in the offices of Jose Ignacio Salafranca, head of the Spanish conservatives in the EU parliament.

Parliament spokesman Andre Riche said a third suspicious package appeared to be false alarm.

Similar letters have been sent to European Commission President Romano Prodi, the head of the European Central Bank Jean-Claude Trichet and the offices of Europol and Eurojust in the Hague, the Netherlands.