Letter to Pelosi from an American


In My Opinion
Great letter. and yes, I checked it on snopes before putting on here.

Guthrie, Davis, Henderson & Staton, P.L.L.C.
Attorneys At Law
719 East Boulevard
Charlotte, North Carolina 28203-5113
Telephone xxx-xxx-xxxx
Facsimile xxx-xxx-xxxxdlguthrie@gdhs.com

Dear Ms. Pelosi:

I write to you out of utter disdain! You are as despicable and un-American as the traitor Jane Fonda.

I am a soon-to-be 65-year-old who has voted in every state and local election since 1966. I have voted for both Republicans and Democrats alike. I have worked on campaigns for both Republicans and Democrats, white and black. I served the country that I love in Vietnam, as my son did in the Middle East. I was awarded two bronze stars. I have been involved in politics since age 6 when my father was the campaign manager for a truly great American congressman, Charles Raper Jonas, who worked for his contituents and his country, and was to be admired, unlike you.

You obviously haven't read the Constitution recently, if ever, the Federalist Papers, or even David McCullough's book on John Adams. You ought to take the time while riding around in your government provided luxury executive jet to do just that. You represent Socialistic and even Marxist principals that our Founding Fathers tried to avoid when setting out the capitalist republican form of government represented by our Constitution.

I find it interesting that you and your husband are multi-millionaires with much of your fortune being made as a result of your "public service". You have controlled legislation that has enhanced your husband's investments both on and off shore. At the same time you redistributed the wealth of others. Our system of a free market economy is being destroyed by the likes of you, Harry Reid, and now our President. You ride around in a gulf-stream airplane at the tax payers' expense while criticizing the presidents of companies who produced something for the economy. You add nothing to the economy of the United States; you only subtract therefrom.

I would like to sugggest that you return to the city of fruitcakes and nuts and eat your husband's canned tuna and pineapple produced by illegal immigrants and by workers who have been excluded from the protection that 90% of the legal workers in the United States have.

I await your defeat in the next election with glee.

Don't ever use the term "un-American" again for protesters who love this country and are exercising their rights upon which this country was founded. By the way, while I served in the army, I was spit on by the same type of lunatics who support you and who you probably supported in the 60s and 70s. You are an embarrassment to all of us who served so that you would have the protected right of free speech to call us un-American. But at the same time, I have the right to write you to notify you that I consider you to be un-American, as do the majority of the poeple of this formerly great country. You are a true disgrace to most of the people who served this country by offering themselves for public service in the United States Congress.

I feel certain your aides will not share this letter with you, but I intend to share it with many.

Dennis L. Guthrie


Methodically disorganized
Great. :yay: Only he might have wanted to save that introductory line for a bit later into the letter, because, since it would be the first thing she read, she would stop right there and not care what he had to say thereafter.


Power with Control
Great. :yay: Only he might have wanted to save that introductory line for a bit later into the letter, because, since it would be the first thing she read, she would stop right there and not care what he had to say thereafter.

Ha!!!! You think she reads anything sent to her? Come'on over here, I have some land, and a bridge to sell you, and the seeds for a money tree. then I"ll introduce you my Nigerian pal, who needs some help moving some money trapped in a bank account..........

A little later, your bank might call, needing to verify your password......:whistle:


Methodically disorganized
You think she reads anything sent to her?
Of course not; she can't even be bothered to read the damn bills she's voting on. But you never know, maybe all her staffers go to lunch and she decides to poke at the mail pile... :lol:

I have some land
Jeesh, how gullible do you think I am? I'm no Democrat. :rolleyes:


New Member
He may get a stock answer from one of Nancy's suck-butt interns.

Nancy obviously could care less what Americans think .
I see nothing in this letter that I myself cannot agree with.

In fact I have written Mikulski pretty much in the same vein.
She and Pelosi are Mutt and Jeff. You know Mutt, he is the short one.


New Member
Typical elitest attorney? Wait until he sees his tax rates after
Preident Bush's top rates revert back to pre 9/11 or is that
05/2001. Boy is he going to be pissed!


Well-Known Member
He may get a stock answer from one of Nancy's suck-butt interns.

Nancy obviously could care less what Americans think .
I see nothing in this letter that I myself cannot agree with.

In fact I have written Mikulski pretty much in the same vein.
She and Pelosi are Mutt and Jeff. You know Mutt, he is the short one.


I have said in other posts i don't like that lady, i hope she gets voted out. They have already bankrupted Ca., and now moving over to Bankrupt the USA. And anybody who protests against her wishes are labeled stupid or terrorists.
And Hoyer is her lap dog.