So this is a blast from the past!
13 years ago, I responded to this post on letterboxing. Today, I was doing a search on letterboxing in St. Mary's County and stumbled across this post! Totally made me smile!
My daughter is a sophomore and in Girl Scouts, and currently working on her Gold Award, the highest honor in Girl Scouting. Her project is focused on letterboxing here in St. Mary's County - there are TONS of geocaches, but very few letterboxes. So, she has set up over 10 boxes in 8 different historical locations here in SMC. She is trying to encourage kids/families to get outside and to visit these places that are so unique and interesting to our area! She is currently holding a workshop at a local elementary school, and hoping to run another in January at the Lex Pk library.
I am trying to attach her brochure, but in case it doesn't work, you can PM me for it, or, she has included the following information: For more information on my project, follow me on my blog: Or my Instagram account: Golden_Arrow_Letterboxing
View attachment Letterboxing_Brochure.pdf