Levity, maybe....


Well-Known Member
In his infancy of "studying the possibility of running for President" Lumbering Larry took note of the explosive attention Biden received after taking 25 minutes of National airtime slamming Republicans and the MAGA-Nazi people. He now has hired his own handlers and an old dimly illuminated teleprompter.

Reliable sources close to Annapolis rumored, within the next few days, The Rhino will "be kickin' it up". In a speech to be broadcast only on CNN and MPT , huffing and puffing his rosy cheeks, he will accuse white Republican men, heterosexual white men specifically, of turning a blind eye to the rise of MonkeyPox in Baltimore and Prince Georges County. Once again, he will announce the recent purchase of 300 million MonkeyPox test kits from a small village in Southeast Asia and further, will mandate that by December 25, 2022, all Marylanders WILL have valid MonkeyPox tests! Children under the age of 5 months can get a waiver if signed by 3 Family Planning counsellors.

Wow, stay tuned.