

Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I told you:

The T hitched a ride a few years back, invited itself for dinner, and is trying to make out that it always lived here. It didn’t. Pride marches, protests, and LGB rights happened WITHOUT the T. I remember — I was there. I also remember the T wasn’t.

We didn’t sign on for this s***. We don’t want kids groomed. Not wanting men in our spaces or to have sex with certain genitalia does NOT make us transphobes. We promised it wasn’t the slippery slope they feared. You took advantage of our good will. It’s gone too far.

Mainstream gays and lesbians don't want to be associated with trans as it pertains to minors. They don't want to be part of a movement to groom children, and lesbians don't accept men as "one of them". If you go to Twitter and do a search for #LGBdroptheT you'll see a ton of gay activists rejecting the garbage being pushed on society by the pedophiles.

This trans fad needs to go away, and the adult authorities who are perpetuating it need to be lethally injected.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
I wrote this a few weeks ago when a similar topic came up, (yes there is a little plagiarism in it) but by the time I was done the thread had taken a wired turn so I didn’t post it at the time. This looks like as good of a place as any.
This is the difference between LGB and TQ+. I remain a supporter of LGB. All they want is to be able to marry, raise families and not be discriminated against. The TQ+ group wants to manipulate society with their victimhood into believing that their genderless identities are preferential. They attempt to force us all to go along with it while teaching our children this is true freedom. Scientific America recently proclaimed “Its Time for a World Without Gender” truthfully, no it’s not. The 99.9% of us who recognize ourselves as male or female do not want or need to change to accommodate you. The narcissism that the almost all should should warp their thinking to try wrap their minds around the practically nonexistents preferred pronoun is ludicrous. The preferred pronouns are for the most part a tortured wrap of the English language. A singular they doesn’t work, they is multiple. The LGB side really has to consider cutting themselves loose from TQ+ side for their own good.