I told you:
Mainstream gays and lesbians don't want to be associated with trans as it pertains to minors. They don't want to be part of a movement to groom children, and lesbians don't accept men as "one of them". If you go to Twitter and do a search for #LGBdroptheT you'll see a ton of gay activists rejecting the garbage being pushed on society by the pedophiles.
This trans fad needs to go away, and the adult authorities who are perpetuating it need to be lethally injected.
The T hitched a ride a few years back, invited itself for dinner, and is trying to make out that it always lived here. It didn’t. Pride marches, protests, and LGB rights happened WITHOUT the T. I remember — I was there. I also remember the T wasn’t.
We didn’t sign on for this s***. We don’t want kids groomed. Not wanting men in our spaces or to have sex with certain genitalia does NOT make us transphobes. We promised it wasn’t the slippery slope they feared. You took advantage of our good will. It’s gone too far.
Mainstream gays and lesbians don't want to be associated with trans as it pertains to minors. They don't want to be part of a movement to groom children, and lesbians don't accept men as "one of them". If you go to Twitter and do a search for #LGBdroptheT you'll see a ton of gay activists rejecting the garbage being pushed on society by the pedophiles.
This trans fad needs to go away, and the adult authorities who are perpetuating it need to be lethally injected.