LGBT Center Cancels #WalkAway Event After Pressure From Activists


PREMO Member
Now, let’s rewind a bit. Shortly after it was announced that Straka and his team had set up a #WalkAway town hall with the specific intent of engaging the LGBT community, a petition was started to get the event cancelled. Co-signed by Gordon Beeferman, Sharona Chava, and the Democratic Socialists of America NYC Queer Caucus, among others, the petition racked up a couple hundred signatures.

It states in part:
The speakers booked for March 28th’s Town Hall, Brandon Straka, Blaire White, Rob Smith, and Mike Harlow, espouse openly white supremacist, transphobic, xenophobic, and otherwise bigoted views that are dangerous to our communities...
The stated goal of "WalkAway" is to draw LGBTQI+ people to the right. However, as a cursory search of the speakers’ public statements shows, they are far-right provocateurs who share responsible for incitement to violence against trans people, black people, women, immigrants, Jews, and Muslims, and who publicly associate themselves with prominent, violent members of the “Alt Right” white nationalist movement.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
...espouse openly white supremacist, transphobic, xenophobic, and otherwise bigoted views that are dangerous to our communities.

These people don't even know what those words mean anymore. Brandon Straka is NOT "far right". He is decidedly liberal, just not a brainless prog like the rest of them. They're pissed because he doesn't toe the Dem Party line, and that's all.