It’s that egotistical beyond arrogance thing where they believe they alone have the truth. Hence their opponents are either stupid, ignorant or evil.
There’s no difference of opinion. You can’t compromise with them because they’re convinced their opinion is the only one worth tolerating and why they have zero problem censoring other views.
See I'm pretty sure my views are the correct ones, otherwise I wouldn't have them. No doubt my opposite number feels the same.
BUT! If you're being fed nothing but lies and exaggerations and hysteria, and truth is being withheld from you, is your truth the real one? Is it even worth considering?
Flat earthers, for example. And those who think the moon landing was faked. Or that 9/11 was a hoax. Do they have a point or are they just ignorant and stupid? Should we engage them in discussion or give them the Kayleigh McEnany look and move on?
Because there IS a truth. Truth is a thing. It's not all opinion. Now, you can have an opinion about the truth, but you can't have your own truth that has no basis in facts or reality.
The difference between my correct views and the Stalinist-correct views is that I can have a discussion about mine, and they can't. They default to censorship. When that fails they move on to accusing the other side of censorship when no such thing is actually happening. EXAMPLE: how many times have you seen some Lefty on here accuse me of banning anyone who doesn't agree with me? They post it right on here, obviously not banned, and accuse me of banning them. So should I engage them in discussion of their crackpot rantings or should I mock them and then ignore them?
If you believe your views are correct, you can back them up with facts and examples. If you're FOS, you resort to name-calling and censorship. And there IS a right. There IS a truth.