Libertarians: It’s Americans’ Fault Illegal Migrants Die


PREMO Member
President Joe Biden’s dangled offer of a welcome is encouraging more migrants to risk their lives at sea, in rivers, deserts, and in jungles, such as the Darien Gap trail between Colombia and Panama, Krikorian said.

“I have no idea what the numbers are,” he said, adding, “Somebody ought to count, but it’s not like anybody in this administration is interested in knowing what the actual count is.”

One report by the United Nation’s International Organization for Migration estimated 650 deaths on the U.S. border in 2021. That estimate excludes potentially many more deaths from further south on the trail and the many additional deaths caused by illegal migrants in the United States.

Progressives refuse to be shamed by the tragic death toll of their pro-migration policies, Krikorian said:

They should be, but the won’t be [ashamed] because they see [the death toll] as an emotional club, a political weapon, to be used against those who think that America matters. Wasn’t it Stalin who said, “You know, you’ve got to break a few eggs to make an omelet.” He’s their guy, and this is the same perspective.

For example, Aaron Reichlin-Melnick is a pro-migration advocate with the American Immigration Council. He blames migrants’ deaths on Americans’ wish to defend their country and culture instead of converting their homeland into a so-called “Beacon of Freedom”:

In the United States, David Bier at the corporate-funded Cato Institute also blames migrants’ death on American border security:



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And it's the homeowner's fault if meth heads break into their home and steal their stuff. If they didn't have valuable items druggies wouldn't steal from them.

It's also women's fault they get raped - they shouldn't have vaginas.

It's little kids' fault they get killed during a school invasion. They shouldn't have been there.

We could play this game all day.

Oh, and Libertarians suck.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
All of these desert deaths could be avoided if people followed the current migration rules in place. Apply of admittance. Wait until you are accepted. Fly, drive or walk to the US. Enter calmly and go about your business.

Breaking the law has consequences. Some times those consequences are in the form of man made laws and their penalties. Other times it's the laws of nature that dole out the punishment. Don't f^%k with mother nature. She's a bad mammajamma.