Liberty Home Builders


New Member
Anyone have anything to say good or bad about Liberty Home builders? I have been looking to build in Hickory Hills and told a few people. I only got negative responses. Help


I can tell you that the people that live in the community now are happy. However, we are waiting for our house to be built along with several others. They make you wait a very long time. They will not even tell you when they think your house will be done. Currently with our home they are about 9 months behide schedule and I would not doubt it if that time frame gets longer. It seems they don't have many people working, maybe thats why. But I can tell you that these problems have started to make us upset when you see houses in other communities going up quickly. I hope we did not make a mistake. If anyone is reading this and in the same situation please write back.


I bowl overhand
Hickory Hills...

I looked at these homes at Hickory Hills... A sad lot I thought.. For all the money you pay, you get to live in a house EXACTLY like the ten on the same street, even the same color... and YES I believe for the money the builders are MAKING not charging, you should get something with character, that is EXACTLY what you want.. and why do $20,000 cars come with 10 year warranties, but with a $300,00 house you are on your own once you take possession, and with a 30 year note on top of that?


Horrible. They have changed their company MANY times due to lawsuits, and do not pay their contractors..

I'd put them at the bottem of my list! They built my current home.. we have lost value, and they are hardly sellable.


Thanks for the info. Chrystee! Have they changed the Company name before? If so do you know what it was before? If you live in the comm. now, What do you think of it?


I dont live in Hickory Hills.. I live in another built by Guy Curley. The man will NOT build to code! I dont know what it is with him?? Besides he is out to make as much as possible..

When he made our community, they did not put individual water meters in the units.. In fact, the houses were supposed to be rental units, and they decided halfway through to just sell them..

Went back through court documents and there is one guy who brought up this point and that it would be a huge problem for the community in the future, but the good ole commissioners passed it anyway.. Now we are a community that is stuck in the dumps, since we have to be billed at a flat rate, and it keeps are values down, and people put section 8 into the community..

In fact, our HOA sued him before and won.. MANY PEOPLE have sued this man.. Then they change their name..

The names have all been with Liberty in the title,

Liberty Land Development,
Liberty Homes,

and I think there is another name, but I cant think it at the moment..

Go to the courthouse!! You can look up HIS name and see all the lawsuits, what they are for, and how much people sued him for!
