Lieberman is in; Who will be the next out?



As I was watching Lieberman give about the least enthusiastic presidential candidate speech I have ever seen, I was wondering who will be the next Dem to toss in the Gore towel and say "Never mind."

My guess is Sen Kerry of Mass. I was thinking Gephardt, but I figured since he quit his leadership job to run for Prez he'll look pretty silly if he quits too early.


Football season!
Would love to see the look on Pat Buchanan's face if Lieberman actually won the job.. He has already made comments such as congress is run by jews, and that we are "yes men" to the jews..

And we thought Osama didn't like us before.. wow...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Lieberman won't get it - he's not Presidential material. He looks like he's 100, has this whiny voice - if there's anyone who comes off as more impotent, I wish you'd point him out to me. There's no authority there and no charisma to overcome it.


The question is... who will be the next one to "Gore" himself and drop out?


New Member
Kerry will stay in the running it looks like but it seems to be that Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware will decide against running soon because of Kerry's campaign. Edwards may have trouble running a national campaign and it seems that he has the longest road ahead of him, save Howard Dean.

It is truly sad to me that people no longer look at the positions of a man, for now we say that since his voice is whiny he has no place as president. Just imagine if there was TV during the Civil War era. Would the people have elected Lincoln or any other man with a beard? VRA, Senator Lieberman is the most conservative member of the Democratic list of candidates, and as such you should be interested in him. And oh yeah, he loves the idea of war with Iraq and supports experimenting with school vouchers.

So Kerry will run away with the nomination huh? Lesson to my young friend, just because one likes a candidate does not mean that they will win. I liked Dukakis and Gore, both losers. I initially liked Tsongas before Clinton in 92. There is not apparent reason to suggest that Kerry will run away with the nomination. Frankly, if I am still in the game, it would be easiest to run against him, especially on his Iraq flip-flop and liberal aura.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Lieberman lost me when he ended up kowtowing to Hollywood after all, chasing those buck$. He and Bob Bennett were like the morality twins and I agreed with a lot of what he stood for. Then he joined forces with Gore and all that went out the window.

Also, I got tired of him constantly talking about God during the election. Whenever he'd come on TV, Larry and I would go, "God...God!...God, God..." trying to mimic his weenie way of speaking. It wasn't that I care if a candidate is a big God guy - it was just that he mentioned it CONSTANTLY, which told me he was just using ol' God as a marketing tool.


New Member
President Bush talked an awful alot about God on the campaign trail. Especially when he spoke at Bob Jones University, but I am sure that he was using religion to get elected. I see Sen. Lieberman as a strong man with solid credentials for the Democrats. He can thrawt GOP claims that we are not strong enough on defense and he is quite moderate. I would like to think of him as a Jewish Bill Clinton. But his religion could be a serious liability during the campaign.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by demsformd
I would like to think of him as a Jewish Bill Clinton.
oOkay, now I'm DEFINITELY not voting for him! In fact, I think he should use that as his campaign slogan - "I am the Jewish Bill Clinton", thereby ensuring his defeat.


Paul Tsongas... he was the only Democratic candidate for President that I ever liked. I was so sad when his illness sidelined him. If he would have been elected instead of Clinton the 90's would have been much nicer.


Chairman of the Board
Originally posted by Bruzilla
Paul Tsongas... he was the only Democratic candidate for President that I ever liked. I was so sad when his illness sidelined him. If he would have been elected instead of Clinton the 90's would have been much nicer.

Me too. I actually liked Jerry Brown too, but Tsongas was about the only Dem I would have voted for over Bush.


Man lets hope there are some govenors somewhere that will make good presidents because looking at what we have now in the House and Senate I sure don't see much that I would want in charge down the road.