Jam out with ur clam out
Life of a Dog - Southern Maryland News, Charles County, Calvert County and St. Mary's County News
oohhh this makes me sick!
oohhh this makes me sick!
I just read that on the baynet. Some people don't deserve to breath! Wasn't there anyone there to stop this person?
I just read that on the baynet. Some people don't deserve to breath! Wasn't there anyone there to stop this person?
Horriable!! If that was my own father trying some crap like that I would have beat him to a plup.... You just don't do that.Apparently the family just stood by and let it happen.
IDK..... but I dont know if I would be able to control my temper....What a frickin sicko! WTF is the matter w/ the family for not stepping in and helping their pet!?!
IDK..... but I dont know if I would be able to control my temper....
I know of one rescue group that is already asking volunteers to show up at court. I suspect the court room will be full of people that want to see this guy get the maximum punishment.
I sent the story link to that grou so they can follow up and maybe be there also? I don't know what the current penalties are for animal cruelty/abuse, but I hear many of them are a mere slap on the wrist.
It probably depends on the judge, too. I have been told one judge that retired in Calvert County, was very lenient on animal abuse cases.
I received email about an upcoming event to help legislation for animals in MD:
Maryland Votes for Animals (MVFA) will host a Humane Scorecard Kick-Off Party
NO WAY! They are linked to HSUS and the like! Only way I would go is to be sure I don't vote for these people.
Today's Recorder says his trial is set for 1PM on August 23 in the Calvert Conty District Court.