Lifestyles of the weird and mundane...


Well-Known Member
Meet Amy S. from Oakland Ca.
Amy is a smart person who is transgender, but was "PAB". (see footnotes)
Amy has a "girlfriend", known as a life partner, who is not transgender and non-PAB.
Amy just came into a lot of money and was asked what she will do with her fortune. She said "buy a bigger house and let her girlfriend have her own bathroom"
Amy is funny.

So is Amy's girlfriend a lesbian?

** PAB- penised at birth


Well-Known Member
Meet Amy S. from Oakland Ca.
Amy is a smart person who is transgender, but was "PAB". (see footnotes)
Amy has a "girlfriend", known as a life partner, who is not transgender and non-PAB.
Amy just came into a lot of money and was asked what she will do with her fortune. She said "buy a bigger house and let her girlfriend have her own bathroom"
Amy is funny.

So is Amy's girlfriend a lesbian?

** PAB- penised at birth
Is she still penised?


Throwing the deuces
Not as bad as Jeopardy champ Amy Schneider saying she will use part of her winnings to get a bigger bathtub so she and her girlfriend can take baths together. :barf: You know if a non-transgender person said that on national TV, it would have never been aired.