Lighthouse Inn


New Member
Last I heard, they were not going to. Just rebuilding apartment building. Seems like the owner wants to retire.


lower life form
The last time I strolled down there to actually look, they were getting pretty well far along rebuilding the little apartment building alongside, and there appears to be some surveying work onto the site of the actual restaurant itself. It appears that they will probably rebuild the restaurant but I haven't got positive word as to their precise schedule.


Well-Known Member
I hope they decide to rebuild. That was one of our favorite restaurants in the area. Thanks for the info. :yay:
Nupe2 said:
I hope they decide to rebuild. That was one of our favorite restaurants in the area. Thanks for the info. :yay:

:yeahthat: It was a tradition for me to take my husband there every year for his birthday.


Lem Putt
Nupe2 said:
I hope they decide to rebuild. That was one of our favorite restaurants in the area. Thanks for the info. :yay:
I proposed to my wife there. :love:

Good riddance.


I heard from a fairly reliable inside source that R.F. ( the original owner ) would not be rebuilding the Lighthouse.
Also, that the owner of another local popular restaurant was interested in buying the Lighthouse property and the Bowen's property.
But still, I don't really know for sure.

The one thing that can never be replaced is the "Boat Bar" that my Dad and my Uncle
built for the Lighthouse.
They are both gone now, and any other boat bar would not be the same to me.
It was not just a boat facade. They constructed it just as if they would have built
an actual boat (only without the bottom).
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FireBrand said:
I heard from a fairly reliable inside source that R.F. ( the original owner ) would not be rebuilding the Lighthouse.
Also, that the owner of another local popular restaurant was interested in buying the Lighthouse property and the Bowen's property.
But still, I don't really know for sure.

The one thing that can never be replaced is the "Boat Bar" that my Dad and my Uncle
built for the Lighthouse.
They are both gone now, and any other boat bar would not be the same to me.
It was not just a boat facade. They constructed it just as if they would have built
an actual boat (only without the bottom).

I loved Pepper! What a great man :huggy: .


remaxrealtor said:
Yes they were! Did you know Charlie Rose?
Yes I do remember the name. I'm sure my folks new him. From Lusby/Drum Pt. ? Realtor correct ?
Was he your Dad or relative ?

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
remaxrealtor said:
Yes they were! Did you know Charlie Rose?
I remember him from when my boy was a child, Pepper, that is. He helped him build a "boat." What a wonderful guy.


FireBrand said:
Yes I do remember the name. I'm sure my folks new him. From Lusby/Drum Pt. ? Realtor correct ?
Was he your Dad or relative ?
Yes, that's him. He was my Daddy and he and Pepper were friends. I also worked with his daughter Linda for years! Small world, huh?