Like a dog chasing it's tail...

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Strong antiwar comments in recent days by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean have opened anew a party rift over Iraq, with some lawmakers warning that the leaders' rhetorical blasts could harm efforts to win control of Congress next year.

Democratic candidates said their biggest concern is that voters will misconstrue comments by party leaders about Bush's handling of the war as criticism of U.S. troops who are fighting in Iraq


Democratic candidates said their biggest concern is that voters will misconstrue comments by party leaders about Bush's handling of the war as criticism of U.S. troops who are fighting in Iraq

Well then. I, for one, am certainly glad they straightened that out.

When Kerry called the US Troops terrorists, I almost misconstrued that as critisism of the U.S. Troops.

At least now I know he was merely commenting on Bush's handling of the war.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
On the Jerry Doyle radio show, he suggested the idea that the ONLY reason Hillary is showing any kind of support for the war is to suggest that she is in the process of changing her mind on the matter - that she IS a *hawk*, but that protesters *planted* in the audience are giving the impression that she is changing her mind on the war.


Lovin' being Texican
SamSpade said:
...the ONLY reason Hillary is showing any kind of support for the war is to suggest that she is in the process of changing her mind on the matter - ...because having that White House cook on call 24/7 is a hard perk to give up.
