Like A Girl


Well-Known Member
It may be insulting - but the idea didn't spring out of nowhere. It came into being because people observed girls and boys do different things.

If swinging a bat, fighting or throwing a ball like many girls do is "insulting" to you, then change the way you swing, fight or throw.
Don't make an issue over what other people ought to say - they'll say meaner things than that, and they have every right to.

What I don't get is, the reason why doing things like a boy doesn't insult boys is - they don't care. Try to think of something boys do badly,
and tell them they do it like a boy - like, write words or eat food or keep their desk neat. They don't care.
It may be insulting - but the idea didn't spring out of nowhere. It came into being because people observed girls and boys do different things.

If swinging a bat, fighting or throwing a ball like many girls do is "insulting" to you, then change the way you swing, fight or throw.
Don't make an issue over what other people ought to say - they'll say meaner things than that, and they have every right to.

What I don't get is, the reason why doing things like a boy doesn't insult boys is - they don't care. Try to think of something boys do badly,
and tell them they do it like a boy - like, write words or eat food or keep their desk neat. They don't care.

Sometimes we tell guys that they are doing things like a boy....only instead of 'boy' we substitute the word 'pig'. But you're right, they still don't care. :biggrin:


New Member
You can nit pick this one to death.

There are some things that I would be proud of if I were told were "like a man" because they are likely stronger than the typical female. For example, running, lifting.

There are some times where being told it's "like a man" would insult me and hurt my feelings because it would be unnaturally masculine. For example, walking, looking like, sounding like.

There are sometimes when doing something "like a girl" is a compliment because it's done with the appropriate amount of delicate or softness that's difficult for males to achieve.

There are sometimes that it's an insult, it's used as an insult, it's meant as an insult because it's weaker.

It's up to the individual on how to respond. PSA's like this are handy because they help people to think about how they're using common terms but they also sometimes alienate a group, essentially doing the same thing they preach against.

Honestly, no matter what you do, someone can and find fault with it. It's up to you how much you care and to what extent you chose to modify your behavior.

Homer J

Power Chord
In the past 100 years or so, there were very tightly defined male and female roles and activities. Traditionally, boys were taught how to throw, run, fight, ect. by someone who had been taught previously and so on down the line. Girls, on the other hand, were taught to sew, cook, keep house, and raise children. If they stepped outside what was considered the norm, and tried some of the 'male' activities it could be expected that they couldn't perform at the same level as boys because they were never taught.

These days, gender roles are not nearly as defined when it comes to the aforementioned activities. Girls are participating and excelling in what used to be male dominated sports. If I were told I threw or ran or fought like many of todays female athletes, I'd be pretty proud of that fact.