
I have a lilac bush that has black spots on the leaves. Could that be a fungus? And if so what could I spray on it? TIA


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PREMO Member
This is an occasional problem in some areas, it is first noted when the tips of the leaves appear to wilt and bend over, then die back. Brown or black spots often appear on the leaves. This problem is aggravated in wet summers or when soil around the plant tends to remain wet.

Look here...
How to recognize, treat and avoid lilac bacterial blight
This is an occasional problem in some areas, it is first noted when the tips of the leaves appear to wilt and bend over, then die back. Brown or black spots often appear on the leaves. This problem is aggravated in wet summers or when soil around the plant tends to remain wet.

Look here...
How to recognize, treat and avoid lilac bacterial blight

Thanks. Everyone has very helpful, your not as bad as everyone makes to be.:yay: