Never Trumpers like Steele are delusional if they believe the conservatives, Republicans and libertarians who they've written off for the last four years are just going to magically become best friends with them. These folks spent the last four years doing nothing but undermining the Trump administration at every. single. turn. And you know what the worst part is? They did it out of so-called "principles." But they would rather have someone like Biden and Harris in the White House than Trump. They would rather have a terrible pair of people in the White House if they're not as "mean" as Trump or tweets as much as him or [fill in whatever other blank there is here]. They would rather have someone they agree with 10 percent of the time running our country versus someone who they agree with 60 or 70 percent of the time. How does that make any sense?
Not only is this group calling a Biden victory prematurely, but they're also not taking into account the fact that Arizona and Pennsylvania are as close they are. Just because Biden is in the lead now doesn't necessarily mean he's going to come out victorious.
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