Lint Numbly Remover


Little ol' Me
Ok ladies help me out..

When I was younger my mom had this little handheld device that would shave those little lint numblies (that come from a sweater to your shirt) off. I would like to purchase one. Does anybody know what I am talking about, what they are called or where I can fin one?


Ok ladies help me out..

When I was younger my mom had this little handheld device that would shave those little lint numblies (that come from a sweater to your shirt) off. I would like to purchase one. Does anybody know what I am talking about, what they are called or where I can fin one?

I’ve seen these shavers at CVS too. They work great while the blades are sharp for pills. But for fuzz have been using wide cellophane packing tape which works great.


Surely you jest ...
Be very cautious of the machines though, uneven pressure on a pass can gouge the fabric. I learned the hard way.
