I knew the title would grab some attention.
Before I go off Google'ing and searching the vendor sites...
I am working with CentOS/RedHat ES5 on a project, and want to know if they provide a jumbo patch with all of there patches in a cumulative bundle.
Solaris calls them Jumbo Patches, Microsoft calls them Service Packs... I just want to know if RH or CentOS provides the same thing - and most importantly, where in the hell do you download them from :shrug:
Before I go off Google'ing and searching the vendor sites...
I am working with CentOS/RedHat ES5 on a project, and want to know if they provide a jumbo patch with all of there patches in a cumulative bundle.
Solaris calls them Jumbo Patches, Microsoft calls them Service Packs... I just want to know if RH or CentOS provides the same thing - and most importantly, where in the hell do you download them from :shrug: