Ouch. You need to read a good book. Unix/Linux are so much more powerful and flexible than any Microsoft operating system it makes 98, NT, 2000, and XP pathetic by comparison. There are hundreds if not thousands of utilities and options. But, because of the power and flexibility, you really need to learn a little about it. Don't be intimidated. Once you make the transition, you will probably never want to go back to any Microsoft product. For instance, there is OpenOffice. It does everything Microsoft Office does and then some, is compatible with Microsoft Office files (read and write), and is free and included with the SuSE 9.1 distribution. There are sound, TV, video, photo, image, file manipulation utilities, compilers, and more, and they are all free. The SuSE Help is good. The HowTos can be used to learn the basics. Install them.
Linux and Unix are case sensitive. The file names SU, Su, sU, and su are all different. su is a utility that allows you to become another user without having to log out and log back in. It has some options. su without a dash (-) means keep the current working directory and environment; with the dash means change to the home directory of the user su'd to and set up that users' environment. The default, su [-] (brackets are common notation for optional parameters), is for users other than root to become root. You can also become a user other than root with su [-] " some user name"(don't use the quotes). The user root does not have to provide a password to su. All other users have to provide the password of the user they are su'ing to.
Install and use cups (Common Unix Printing System) for your printer. Use Yast, it is in the start menu under System, to install and configure your printer. You will find Printer in the Hardware section. Yast is your friend. It is like the System folder in Microsoft. All the basic things can be done from there. As you get more familiar, you will want to use the command line utilities.
An example: I had about 30 source files I needed to edit. The edit was basically the same in all the files. To do this by hand would have taken the better part of a day. I used a command line utility called sed. It is a stream editor. I used a bash command line shell script (kind of like a DOS batch file written on the command line instead of placed in a file) to pass each of the files through sed to edit the file, save the edit to a new file, and move the new file to the old file. Done in about one minute.
If you get stuck and want personal help, I offer on site consulting services and instruction through my company.
Hope that helps. Keep at it; it is worth it. And have fun!