List of restaurants women refuse to go on a first date


Just sneakin' around....
Assuming that ‘sports event’ means going to see teams play, then going fishing, hunting or to the gun range are valid choices.
"Yes, I know it's our first date, but you have to put the worm on the hook yourself." :lol: That would be a real test of attitude and willingness to 'roll with it'.

To be fair, I'd never consider taking someone to a McD or Burger King on even a 10th date, unless she offered the suggestion.


Shallow biatches. Good info for culling the herd though. I suppose the fact he is picking up the tab is irrelevant.
I agree.

We had a friend of ours become single after decades of marriage earlier this year, and the first woman he took out complained about his vehicle and the fact he took her out for burgers.

I told him, well, you can mark that snobby shallow (insert name) off your list.


Well-Known Member
Sure are. My niece did that. One of her very first dates with her now-husband was fishing in the Florida panhandle in a 16' boat. She was so proud of her first catch, held it up for pictures.
One way to figure out early what kind of beer she likes and how she handles the tackle.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Guys must like women who behave that way because you see them all the time on Reddit acting like bridezillas. So clearly the guy gets his list of demands, and promptly asks the girl to marry him.



Well-Known Member
First date with my husband was a blind date to Sizzlers and a movie with his brother and Sis-in-law (who set us up). We both fell asleep during the movie.

First alone date he picked me up in his pick-up truck and took me to a tractor pull. Dinner was picked up at a fast food joint along the way. We were engaged with-in a month and married in less than 9 months. Been married almost 32 years now and we still fall asleep during movies, just in the sofa now.


Well-Known Member
Guys must like women who behave that way because you see them all the time on Reddit acting like bridezillas. So clearly the guy gets his list of demands, and promptly asks the girl to marry him.

That's why it's called the velvet vise. (or is it vice?)
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PREMO Member
When we look at the list against our culture, it makes total sense. Like the Rosetta Stone, a key to deciphering a seemingly impossible language, this blacklist of accessible date venues connects so many dots for us non-Gen Z folks that it’s both a relief (that we don’t have to keep wondering) and depressing (ignorance is was bliss).

Let’s start by finding common ground and eliminating the locations that I can get behind (no pun intended) as not first-date appropriate:

  • Your house (too personal and isolated)
  • The gym (unless both parties really love working out, save it for another time)
  • Church (y’all should be focusing on God, not each other, but good for y’all for going!)
  • Family functions (too much pressure)
  • Movie night (no talking allowed and, if it’s Hulu or whatever, that’s just lazy)
  • A nightclub (too noisy)
  • A hookah bar (smoking isn’t for most people).
What are the objectives of a first date supposed to be? Getting to know each other. To what end? To establish if there is a high enough degree of compatibility to warrant further investigation of spouse potential. Why? Because marriage is a good thing. It provides security, companionship, a solid foundation on which to build a family and generational wealth, tax breaks (another soapbox for another day), and our innate need for love. Two people can’t reasonably explore any of that in any of the above places. Not to mention the radical idea that dating and sex are not one and the same.

There are actually some great first-date options on this list:

  • Coffee shops
  • Ice cream shops
  • Bowling
Coffee, tea, ice cream, and frozen yogurt, are not only casual and affordable for any budget, but they’re also short-term commitments to conversation. If a first date proves to be a disaster, there’s a quick out. They are public spaces and familiar neighborhoods with a fair amount of activity, so everyone can feel safe. The problem? Conversation.

This is a generation of men and women who prefer to communicate using emojis and slang like ASL (for Age/Sex/Location), GYPO (Get Your Pants Off), and Body Count (the number of people a person has slept with). Sitting at a small table with a swirl of froyo talking to someone about your dreams and ambitions is their 7th circle of hell. This is why bowling is a great idea, along with mini golf or a carnival, is a great environment because it’s ripe for talking but structured for interruptions and things to do with your hands.

Have I dated myself? Good. Onward!



Well-Known Member
When we look at the list against our culture, it makes total sense. Like the Rosetta Stone, a key to deciphering a seemingly impossible language, this blacklist of accessible date venues connects so many dots for us non-Gen Z folks that it’s both a relief (that we don’t have to keep wondering) and depressing (ignorance is was bliss).

Let’s start by finding common ground and eliminating the locations that I can get behind (no pun intended) as not first-date appropriate:

  • Your house (too personal and isolated)
  • The gym (unless both parties really love working out, save it for another time)
  • Church (y’all should be focusing on God, not each other, but good for y’all for going!)
  • Family functions (too much pressure)
  • Movie night (no talking allowed and, if it’s Hulu or whatever, that’s just lazy)
  • A nightclub (too noisy)
  • A hookah bar (smoking isn’t for most people).
What are the objectives of a first date supposed to be? Getting to know each other. To what end? To establish if there is a high enough degree of compatibility to warrant further investigation of spouse potential. Why? Because marriage is a good thing. It provides security, companionship, a solid foundation on which to build a family and generational wealth, tax breaks (another soapbox for another day), and our innate need for love. Two people can’t reasonably explore any of that in any of the above places. Not to mention the radical idea that dating and sex are not one and the same.

There are actually some great first-date options on this list:

  • Coffee shops
  • Ice cream shops
  • Bowling
Coffee, tea, ice cream, and frozen yogurt, are not only casual and affordable for any budget, but they’re also short-term commitments to conversation. If a first date proves to be a disaster, there’s a quick out. They are public spaces and familiar neighborhoods with a fair amount of activity, so everyone can feel safe. The problem? Conversation.

This is a generation of men and women who prefer to communicate using emojis and slang like ASL (for Age/Sex/Location), GYPO (Get Your Pants Off), and Body Count (the number of people a person has slept with). Sitting at a small table with a swirl of froyo talking to someone about your dreams and ambitions is their 7th circle of hell. This is why bowling is a great idea, along with mini golf or a carnival, is a great environment because it’s ripe for talking but structured for interruptions and things to do with your hands.

Have I dated myself? Good. Onward!

I see the titty bar is still fair game.