Last night a friend brought me 5 baby kittens. their eyes are open, they have tiny nubs of teeth coming in, and so far are holding their own. they need bottle feeding etc etc.
does anyone have room, time, and the expertise to care for bottle babies?
Thx, Dot in Huntingtown
You can contact me via pm.
Three marmalade males and two solid black females...about 2 - 2 1/2 weeks old.
cat can you take some pictures I might be interested in one but not 100% sure which route I want to go as I have a cat already but i want to get one that is young enough for bruno to become friends with.
PM Inkpen, she might be able to help.
Here is here PM box. Good Luck!
No more kittens for me for now....Sorry......
Thought it might help ease the pain a little. Just trying to help.
Thank you, Cattitude, for taking them in. What a gift you are.
Catt will do a fantastic job PLUS her kittens will be really dog trained by the time they are ready for adoption!!!
catt when are the kittens you have going to be ready?