Little league coaches accused of attacking umpire


Lawful neutral
Little league coaches accused of attacking umpire after game -

Martinsville, Ind.

Baseball is America's past-time but thanks to an early morning fight on the field, the sport has a black eye in Martinsville, literally.

"The incident that occurred was something that we do not commonly see in this type of youth sport," sad Artesian Little League Official Brent Worth.

The first pitch of the Little League Major Division Tournament was Thursday at Schwab Field. Game 2 pitted the Little League Orioles against the Little League Nationals. The game started just after 8 p.m. and it went extra innings before wrapping up after midnight.

According to police reports, as the two teams were shaking hands, two of the coaches from the losing team started jawing with umpire Josh Moscrip. Moscrip said one of the coaches got in his face, "then head-butted him." The coaches and the umpire continued fighting right there on the field in full view of dozens of parents, and about 30 12-year-old boys.