Little support for a return to Iraq


Well-Known Member
Says their opinion is shaped by Barry's ambivalence.

We like reliving history, we are not very good at learning from our mistakes.

"The mothers and fathers of America will give you their sons and daughters...with the confidence in you that you will not needlessly waste their lives. And you dare not. That's the burden the mantle of leadership places upon you. You could be the person who gives the orders that will bring about the deaths of thousands and thousands of young men and women. It is an awesome responsibility. You cannot fail. You dare not fail..."
- General H. Norman Schwarzkopf, Eisenhower Hall Theater to the Corps of Cadets on 15 May 1991

Larry Gude

Strung Out
We like reliving history, we are not very good at learning from our mistakes.

"The mothers and fathers of America will give you their sons and daughters...with the confidence in you that you will not needlessly waste their lives. And you dare not. That's the burden the mantle of leadership places upon you. You could be the person who gives the orders that will bring about the deaths of thousands and thousands of young men and women. It is an awesome responsibility. You cannot fail. You dare not fail..."
- General H. Norman Schwarzkopf, Eisenhower Hall Theater to the Corps of Cadets on 15 May 1991

Bush's mistake wasn't in going. It was in losing. Failing.


Well-Known Member
Which, of course, has direct correlation to the topic at hand.

Yea - it does. If Patton had conquered the entire world, the geopolitical landscape would be a bit different today. Probably wouldn't have severed heads rolling around the Syrian desert.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Yea - it does. If Patton had conquered the entire world, the geopolitical landscape would be a bit different today. Probably wouldn't have severed heads rolling around the Syrian desert.

Now I better understand why you thought it was Tony Stewart's fault Kevin Ward is dead.


Well-Known Member
Bush's mistake wasn't in going. It was in losing. Failing.

Not a Bush thing, our political machine sets goals and tasks that are too often unrealistic. We can use Saddam Hussein as an example. How easy would it have been to send a team, missile / bomber to his palace? He disappears, but the new guy that takes over isn't who "we" wanted. Who are the "we" in this scenario? You and I, or the political machine that has decided only "they" know what is best for us? Personally, leave the mideast f**ks alone. Let them sort out their own problems. If we have 7 trillion dollars to give away, why don't we give more of it domestically? Too many homeless, underfed and unemployed people right here in all of our neighborhoods, towns and cities.

It is difficult to "win" when you send a military force anywhere but do not allow them to do their "job".