Living in Alaska


New Member
A man was visiting Alaska. After he sees how great of a state it was, he decides he wants to live there. So he sees a local bar, and goes in there and asks the bartender, "Whats a guy have to do to be a citizen here in Alaska and get respect from the people?".

The bartender says, "You have to do three things, drink a gallon of 150 proof rum and not bat an eye, you must kill a polar bear, and then you must make love to an eskimo woman.".

"Wow kill a polar bear? And make love to an eskimo lady?" the man asked.He was surprised but still willing, "I guess I will start with that rum." the man said. Hour and half later he finished that gallon of rum and didnt even bat an eye. Completely trashed he asks the bar tender where he can find that polar bear. Bartender says "About a half mile down the road on the left, you will find the bear in the cave." The man gets up and stumbles out the door.

3 hours later, the guy come walking back in the bar, shirt torn-up, face was bruised and scrachted, cut and bleeding all over, hair all messed up. "Man, that was hard!" he said. Limps over to the bartender,and asks " So now where is the eskimo lady you want me to kill?"