Living with half a body...

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
I've seen it before. It's totally amazing what obstacles people can overcome in their lives. It makes your problems pale in comparison, that's for sure.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I find it very interesting. The odds she has faced she has met 150% and then some. Kudos to her. :yay:


New Member
RoseRed said:
I find it very interesting. The odds she has faced she has met 150% and then some. Kudos to her. :yay:

Indeed, she has more zest for life than a great number of people who have an entire body. She didn’t let her handicap stop her from doing the things she wanted to do. She worked on cars, found a terrific man, got married and even had a baby.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Pandora said:
Indeed, she has more zest for life than a great number of people who have an entire body. She didn’t let her handicap stop her from doing the things she wanted to do. She worked on cars, found a terrific man, got married and even had a baby.

And also held together her family after her mother died, by taking care of her dying father and mentally challenged brother, the Uncle to her son.

All I can say is WOW. She is one hell of a lady. :yay: :yay: :yay: