


At least they left the cussing out of it vrai. The other night, they could not type squat without every other word being a cuss word, so a good majority of the post there were deleted.


Sharon said:
When your sides hurt from laughing at the DUmmies, head on over to the Smirking Chimp for a few more warped views. :twitch:

Those are real bunch of idiots. I can't believe some of them. My favorite:
Pre-emptive war against sovereign nations who have not attacked us and are not a threat.
Not a threat. I guess they would have to run a 747 through their living rooms before they are considered a threat. A big DUH!


"Fill your hands you SOB!

One poster on the smirkingchimp states that because Kerry was leading in the exit polls in Ohio, he should have won that state and massive fraud must have happened because he didn't!

So according to the demoncrats, he who wins the exit polls should be the next president! To hell with the real vote and the electoral votes...exit polls rule!!!!

What a bunch of :loser: 's!


Larry Gude

Strung Out

...these people KNOW Florida was stolen in 2000.

What I never understood was why they'd even bother in 2004. If we could steal it and get away with it, clean, why wouldn't we just do it again?

Bush family evil empire. Hitler. I mean, come on. This was a done deal if they were right.


New Member
perhaps some headgear


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