Local author releases new action adventure fantasy novel


somd.com Editor
Staff member
PREMO Member
FORT WASHINGTON, Md. — Author Sara Prater has released her new action adventure and fantasy novel, “Daggers, Diplomacy and Deceit.”

The story introduces readers to Vacen Horsetrader, who is hounded by enemies that want his head. Raised in the nonviolent Consortium Lands, he faces Daggers, Diplomacy and Deceit both at home and in exile. His crime? Determination to uphold the oath that the mages of the Consortium hold sacred. Now, he must rely on his friends to survive, in the hopes of eventually returning home.

Published by Tate Publishing and Enterprises, the book is available through amazon.com:


Prater is a longtime fan of fantasy literature, currently pursuing her dream of publishing her own stories. She lives in Maryland with her husband.